Retribution Is Coming

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david godwin
david godwin
6 years ago

each and every one of us has the responsibility to contact our senators and representative and make them aware that you and i want them to warn their cohorts across the aisle that conservative Americans are fed up with these socialist demoRATS continuously attacking the 2nd amendment and our president Trump. we are already beginning to see other patriots across this great country stand up to the local,state and federal governments and protest while armed that pushing this anti gun agenda will only bring a response that DC cannot nor could ever prepare for. they would see patriots in the millions converging on Washington armed and extremely frustrated by socialists dems that have gone across the line pushing anti American and anti Constitution agendas trying to disarm us which would allow ultimately for confiscation like Australia and Britain. this will not be tolerated by patriots now or ever and is off the table for consideration,period.

Daniel Salmon
Daniel Salmon
6 years ago

Confiscation would create a million Alamos across the country. Well-armed Patriots are the largest standing army on the planet.