Return America Rally

Return America Rally

I want to let you know of an important upcoming rally. In their ongoing efforts to help pass the Marriage Protection Amendment, the group Return America is hosting a rally on April 20th at 11:00 am. We urge all faithful marriage supporters in the Raleigh area to please come to Halifax Mall behind the Legislative Building (16 W. Jones Street—Raleigh, NC) and be a part of this important event to show your support for the Marriage Protection Amendment.

The union of one man and one woman has been the definition of marriage since before North Carolina has been a state and since the United States has been a country. God is the author of marriage and virtually every nation since the dawn of time has recognized marriage as one man and one woman.

There is certainly great power in numbers – let’s stand together for marriage at this rally.


Kami Mueller
Communications Director
Vote FOR Marriage NC

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