Revolt Against Modernity

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tom finley
tom finley
2 days ago
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 days ago

Mankind should see and understand that we are all connected. Perhaps modernity has also led us away from that one fact and thought?
The Bible tells us (warns us) of the direction the world takes and can lead people to take. Who can not look and see which direction much of the world has taken and what lies in their future? The Bible also advises us NOT to give much weight to Genealogy, not many seem to understand what this is or means. The Bible speaks of a universal, unifying message yet the world is intent on division.
Becoming set-apart with the world is the True calling of His Word. This is the race, this is our endurance. His Liberty, His Governance, His worship. Not mans twisted interpretations!