Richard May’s Discussion on the Purpose of Trump Rallies

The first hour:

The second hour:

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3 years ago

The only purpose I see for these rallies is to con more bucks out of the brainwashed normies and Q tards. Also a way to keep people believing they can vote their way out this communist nightmare.

3 years ago
Reply to  AngryVetNC

Every connedservant of my acquaintance believes we can vote our way out of this or that the justice system will come through for us. Lol!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

Donald was in NYC on 9/11. He was interviewed after the towers collapsed. He said that the planes alone couldn’t have brought the towers down. He said explosives must have also been uses.
While campaigning for prez, he mentioned seeing dancing Muslims not dancing Israelis on 9/11. Once elected he never mentioned it again.
He hires Rudy Guilliani as his lawyer. Rudy was a former prosecutor and Mayor of NYC on 9/11. Rudy bragged about how trucks were hauling steel from the site the next day. This was a crime scene. Evidence was being hauled away. Particles of dust that were later retrieved showed evidence of thermite, an explosive substance.
Donald’s going away present was the “warp speed” vaccine. Oh, I know, he had surrounded himself with “bad” advisors. I thought he was brilliant, knowing how to win? Pulleeessseeee.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

The story of the Dancing Israelis employed by fake Urban Moving Systems and temporarily detained for “puzzling behavior” has largely been memory-holed.

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

Bravo Oldtradesman! The most complete work I know on 9/11 is Christopher Bollyn

3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

“On the day of 9/11, while the remains of the twin towers and WTC7 were still smoldering, one of Mayor Giuliani’s first concerns was clearing away the evidence from the crime scene.”

RUDY GIULIANI: “We were able to move 120 dump trucks out of the city last night, which will give you a sense of the work that was done overnight.”
1st NY RESIDENT: “It’s wild out here. They (dump trucks) just keep coming look! It doesn’t stop. There’s more, I keep thinking it’s the end but an it’s not.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Trigger warning for connedservants!

Trump saw on 9/11/2001: bombs were used in WTC

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
3 years ago

I think Trump was part of it all. Part of the Cabal like his daughter

Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

We talked about so much on this show. I wish poeple would listen to it all and not just read the header.

3 years ago

Richard May interrupted you quite often as you were making your points. It was a bit distracting. Otherwise, a very interesting discussion on multiple topics.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago

Just an idea…
An outline of points with the time markers associated with those points would be helpful…
I rarely have two solid hours to sit down and listen to podcasts, but if I could select the moments that interest me when I have time, I would listen in small increments.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

That’s a good suggestion, I’ll pass that on to Richard. I’ll also see if we can incorporate that into the sledgehammer show.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

An alternative explanation of Trump events on the site
selected quotes: (article is long)
“The first step is submitting the world to their control through lockdowns, vaccine passports, constant testing, track and trace systems, etc. Once that succeeds, they can roll out the next phase: transhumanism, digitizing all life, eradicating original humanity, replacing everything with A.I., and claiming to offer eternal life, in the harness of a robot. They are already making robotic bodies, where humans can transfer their mind to, to have ‘eternal life’.
Yeah, if you think ‘eternal life’ is being locked up in a lifeless machine, controlled by the elite…
I believe the vaccines are used to prepare our bodies to become connected to the digital control networks. Reprogramming human bodies, to increasingly become digitized, making us connectable to technology. Every new vaccine adds a little more nanotechnology, one step at a time, more and more…
“Later Trump and his family said they had covid, and recovered blazing fast thanks to the ‘miraculous therapeutics’ they had received. Once again President Trump removed the legal base for vaccine mandates, by declaring that he, his wife and his son were cured by therapeutics.
So President Trump has made it very clear to the hundreds of millions of people around the world, who listened to him:
‘Nobody needs a vaccine. There are cures. No vaccines can be mandated.”
“As a result President Trump had to deal with a world population that is so severely brainwashed, that -- no matter how much he speaks about cures and therapeutics -- they still demand a vaccine.
Now comes the clue: knowing that only a vaccine would be able to end the globalist lockdowns, and therefor prevent the Great Reset, Trump knew he had to start pushing vaccines. So he did. Interestingly enough, he tweeted right after his first announcement of the Pfizer vaccine:

“I wish people would stop killing themselves.”

Then Trump did something else to once and for all prevent the vaccine mandates: he rushed the development of the vaccines so ridiculously fast, that they ended up being not a real vaccine, but an experimental medical product. A medical experiment can NEVER be mandated! So once again, he sabotaged the plans of the globalists to impose vaccine mandates. Also, he knew fully well that the educated part of the world will be greatly alarmed by this. By making the vaccines experimental products, he gave all of us the perfect tool in our hands to warn humanity:
You have to understand this: Trump can never say publicly how bad vaccines are. He would right away be accused by all the big media, and the majority of the corrupt government (left and right!) of murdering the American population. So he has to be smart.
He gave the world ‘vaccines’, therefor the lockdowns can be ended, and the plan to destroy humanity through endless lockdowns fails.
The globalists are freaking out of course, because this wasn’t their plan. So now they are all crying out in a frenzy:

’The vaccines actually don’t even protect you, you still need the lockdowns, essentially the vaccines don’t do anything. You can still get and transmit COVID-19.’

What is happening now? Can Trump personally reveal all the evidence for the election steal? Of course not. He would simply be accused of lying, and many Americans would hate him even more. So what is Trump doing? He is allowing the people of America to expose the evidence for the election steal. He stepped aside, as if he ‘accepts’ the election results, and meanwhile Mike Lindell is producing epic documentaries that prove how the elections have been stolen. BAM!

Trump cannot be accused of refusing to accept his ‘loss’, and independent citizens are doing the work.

Another element of allowing the election steal, is that this causes all corrupt politicians to reveal themselves. So now Trump sees all the true faces, and he knows who was a traitor all along. All the corruption is being exposed.

Is Trump coming to save us? Of course not, but this appears to be a logical explanation of events that are unfolding. I do not believe that God has placed no fighters for good in positions to do what is right. .

3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

Respectfully, this is more Q nonsense parsing a sentence here, and there, and then trying to convince conservatives that you should not believe your lying ears. Just like the 5D chess BS, The ‘he needs to keep his enemies close to him hence, the reason he had so many swamp creatures in his cabinet”, The “he was too busy doing other things to build that wall in his first two years (when he had the senate and the congress), the stock market is one big bubble about to burst UNTIL he becomes POTUS at which time he takes credit for the bubble getting even bigger. He signed into law more spending and increased the national debt MORE than Oblahblah. He was squishy on the 2nd amendment too. So, let’s get real about who he really is stop carrying his water and whitewashing over the negative issues.
Oh, and his supposed biggest achievement — those SCOTUS picks. How’s that worked out so far??
Sorry, I voted for the guy twice and I although I’m not regretting it (like I did with McCain the traitor and Mitts another traitor) he is not a conservative and he is still being used to keep up the hopium until it is finally too late.
My opinion, yours may be different….

rabbi Andrew
rabbi Andrew
3 years ago

to add to rav will…

rabbi Andrew
rabbi Andrew
3 years ago

real good interview, but not for snowflakes!!!