RIP: Rachelle Bergeron, 33

As mentioned in a former post, Mrs. Bergeron was a NYC attorney protecting people from human rights abuse, not a sex trafficking detective as previously described. While this source is pre-scamdemic, it’s not the same source being referenced from memory (same era). In addition, she was Attorney General of Yap, an island north of Hongu Tonga yet still in the same part of the world. She gives so much more detail than I was previously aware.

Was looking for her piece on Lord Mountbatten, aka Lord mount bottom. His yacht was bombed by the IRA, the dead included a 15yr old ‘cabin boy’ (Gadhafi’s payment?). Which got the noddle spooling about the term wayfarer, which was a term used to describe adolescents who were lost, runaways, or had no guardian. ‘Here’s your one chance Fancy, don’t let me down.’~ Reba McEntire Wayfarers were a primary subject in Tale of the Brother’s Grimm, which by the time of Witch Trials were derided as Fairy Tales (kinda like conspiracy theory, today).

So imagine you’re part of Mountbatten’s golfing entourage. Someone strikes up a memory of having a good time behind closed doors. ‘So I grabbed her right in the pu$$y!’ Would someone in the know try to dismiss this as Fairway Tales, to protect the Crown? Gives credence to Wayfair furnishing more than just houses. Harvest festivals/carnivals often have a Fairway, or Fareway when charging for entertainment. Or is it really a means to find wayfarers? Harvest time is also when more children go missing, as per Hunter S. Thompson (Hey Rube). The one thing they try to obfuscate more than history, is language (spell books). Yet because language, and genetic memory, are so pervasive it’s almost impossible to whitewash. Prostitution is said to be the world’s oldest profession, and they were originally, pre-rampant STD, praised as witches. Charmed their victims, trick or treat, power of three, Ergot was often applied with a broom staff. Don’t standunder my opinion, comprehend for yourself, do these pieces fit together or not?

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1 year ago

DId you mean “Hunga Tonga”? I am left with more questions than information after reading this article.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I was going by a four year old memory, and mistakenly stated Hongu Tonga, when the location was actually Yap. The islands are so desolate in that part of the world, no one can really account for the missing women through out the thousands of square miles of ocean.
I must have mistaken one for the other, as Hongu Tonga received so much attention due to the following pic. A strong indication of a cleanup operation, like that in Beirut.
OMG! Was going to link on the ground footage of a Russia Today female reporter, who was showing the exposed cells of an underground submarine port. Yet RT no longer has a Utube channel. When did this happen?
On RT page, Beirut: After the Blast. Click on link, comes up ‘Forbidden’. Might as well say For Biden. Maybe you can use a VPN:
