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Welcome to the ‘gentrification scam’ --some well healed ZIpperheads purchase some over-priced, over-valued properties and it starts the slide upwards with property taxes. Once the fools in government get a taste of this new cash flow, it doesn’t stop. Then come the developers with new projects and your property taxes zoom upwards even more.
I was born a raised up in Jonhnston County and I can verify this is true. My 58 year old home tax value went up just over 100% ($204,000), my small 15 acre farm, that has no improvements,it is just cleared farmland, my wife and I are raising livestock on went up 180%($165,000). I live east of I-95 which saw the highest percent gain over the rest the county. I told people 10 years ago if something isn’t done Johnston County will be nothing but a suburb of Raliegh. A few years back the real estate market exploded bidding wars where happening over homes. Seemed like market manipulation was taking place to me i.e. Blackrock.
There seems to be 2 factions here in the county, those that praise the inflated real estate market and those that want more zoning regulations i.e. gov’t control over private property to curb the out of control growth. You will hear county commissioners say they can’t control what a private landowner wants to do with their property i.e private property rights but then turn around and say we need more zoning. Every county commissoner seat is held by republicans.
It is par for the course here just like every where else in the country, the vast majority of people are cluless. I have been told I should run for public office in the county, My response is prove to me the that the current state gov’t that is in control now is legitimate and I will. Their eyes usually grow wide and they change the subject. Agian straight up sheep!
It’s like this everywhere. But property values aren’t rising, the value of the dollar is decreasing at a rapid rate.
Here in East Texas property taxes are going through the roof. In my small town the majority of the property tax goes to the communist school district. No matter how much money the school district receives it always demands more. Of course the school district does not want to talk about the fact that college entrance exam scores have declined every year for decades. Teachers are the highest paid group in my county. The teachers are high reward for low effort. Who is $ John Galt?
Same her in NC. Does Texas put cap on how much property tax evealuations can go up in one year say like 10%?
There is a 10% cap for home owners that are 65 years of age or older, Of course that means your property taxes double every 7.2 years. There is no cap limit if you are under 65 years of age, The property appraisal is a form of extortion. The county and school district in essence own your home and rent it to you for an amount that they determine that meets their demands . Who is & John Galt!
Make raising taxes dangerous. That will stop this.
This is starting to sound a lot like what a band of rebels started doing around 1775 that lead to a shooting war.
I saw where Buncombe Cty is not reducing or waiving property taxes for those who lost either or both their house and land in the storm. If true, I wonder what the residents will do about it, if anything.
Who has these commissioners by the balls that hey will do this. The don’t have the intestinal fortitude to do this on their own. Someone has a hold of their sacks and are squeezing them. Find that out and you will find the problem.