Roanoke city will not become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary, according to mayor

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) – After a heated discussion Monday afternoon, Roanoke city will not join the list of jurisdictions in our area that have passed resolutions to become 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries.

WDBJ7 Photo

At the end of about an hour of public comment, Mayor Sherman Lea said Roanoke would not take a vote and would simply drop the issue.
It’s an issue that many are up in arms over.

“Our constitutional liberties are just as important now as they were 200 years ago,” said one supporter.

But others are taking it personally.

“Everything that I do is is in honor of my son Kyle, who is a graduate of Fleming High School 2001, and that is my motivation and drive for what I do today,” said activist Karen Cobb.

Karen Cobb is opposed to Roanoke becoming a 2nd Amendment sanctuary, and spoke, saying at the podium that her son was killed from gun violence. But she was interrupted.

The mayor hit his gavel and warned the crowd that if anyone could not behave, they would be removed.

After Cobb, supporter after supporter took the microphone

“Please consider you to think about making a second amendment sanctuary in this city, so that we don’t enact any more laws that makes the average person a criminal for just doing what’s constitutionally allowed,” said another supporter.

Clapping and cheering rang out after each speech. Many adorned ‘Guns Save Lives’ stickers.

But Mayor Lea made it clear that after everyone spoke, no more discussion on the issue would take place.

“As mayor, I see no need or benefit for official action by the city validating what the constitution already guarantees,” said Lea.

Several folks asked to meet with Mayor Lea after the rest of the items on council’s agenda were discussed. To that request, the mayor said that anyone was allowed to make an appointment with him.

Currently, Roanoke’s City Council does not have any Republican members serving.


Why are people even asking permission to exercise a God Given Right?

I think the time is fast approaching in Virginia and elsewhere for these Tyrants to be reminded of Virginia’s State Motto.

Every Virginian Should Be Wearing This Shirt
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