Romney’s Missed Opportunities in the Debate

1. $1 trillion dollar student loan debt with $180 billion currently in default.
2. 25% increase in student tuition under Obama.
3. $6 trillion increase in debt under Obama.
4. Ethanol production impacting feed costs bankrupting small farmers.
5. Gulf of Mexico energy production lost.
6. 20% coal plant closures.
7. Death panels.
8. Spriralling food costs.
9. Collapse of the auto industry, channel stuffing and auto loans to unqualified people.
10. Obamacare exceptions for unions.
11. Failure of the Department of Education.
12. Increased military deaths in Afghanistan.
13. Increased military spending in Afghanistan.
14. Definition of transparency.
15. Asking Obama to define free enterprise when he said that made our country great.
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Michael Johnston
Michael Johnston
12 years ago

On the economic debate topics Romney won…period. I don’t care if he hits every point that we have issues with over the last 4 years. Millions of Americans who are clueless saw a winner….and they saw Obama lose…

12 years ago

Good Grief, He is running for president, not God. He did miss some, however, he never stopped and spoke so fast and confidently. He did fine with me.
I like having that list. I still have one child that is uninformed.

12 years ago

I would have to agree with Michael -- also, Romney DID mention the death panel (IPAB) he just didn’t use that term. Bottom line, somebody needed a butt-kicking for the last 4 years and Romney delivered it, as well as Newt could have ever done and far superior to anything Ron Paul could have possibly done…I felt a tingle up my leg LOL

12 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

well, Romney and Newt have very different personalities -- no doubt. What I think might be an interesting exercise for your readers might be this: Many have gone on and on about how Romney would be no different than Obama. So, let’s assume that Romney wins -- who do you start campaigning for against HIM for the next election? Or, for that matter, even if Obama wins another term and the country continues to exist in a much more weakened state -- who do you want to see running in 2016?

12 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

well, but many people ARE interested in the politics. I feel sure Hillary will run, UNLESS she’s thrown under the bus over Bhenghazi (sp). Since so many were unhappy with their choices in candidates this year, perhaps it’s time to start looking for someone worthy of our time and energy to lead the country, in the future.

12 years ago

And there was one more giant opportunity lost or avoided (you decide).

Romney was asked to describe the proper scope and purpose of government … a clear opportunity to speak to the specific and limited powers enumerated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution … and he just couldn’t do it. Pathetic.