Ron Paul: Isn’t It Time For Adam Schiff To Be Expelled From Congress?

We are moving closer and closer to a nuclear showdown with Russia over Ukraine. For political gain the Democrats – and plenty of Republicans – have been pushing the “Russiagate” hoax and in so doing have fertilized the ground for the obsessive Russia hatred prevalent in the US today.

I do not believe it is an exaggeration to say that if US/Russia relations had not been poisoned by the lie of “Russiagate” for pure political gain, we would not be anywhere near our current state of near-direct conflict with the largest nuclear power on earth, Russia.

It is shocking that Schiff and his “Russiagate” allies would potentially sacrifice millions of dead Americans to defeat Trump and other political enemies.

Let’s not forget: Rep. Jim Trafficant was expelled from Congress for asking his staffers to wash his boat.

Shouldn’t there be at least equal punishment for Senators and Members who are lying us into World War III?


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2 years ago

Actually. I was hoping the Lord would exspell dozens of denizens of the deep from Washington DC sooner rather than later -- but then none of them got the real jabs or boosters!

2 years ago

better we expel everyone, they have done nothing for us, other than to give America away, traitors all!