From YouTube:
Liberals forced the Common Core education standards on America. Now liberals quoted in the New York Times are opposing the school standards, and even New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) called the scheme flawed. Will Common Core make schools worse in America?
I am putting my daughter in a private school because of CC. It is surely the dumbing down of America. My girl says she is so bored with the material she doesn’t want to go to school any more. An example is; this week they will teach 3 + 4 = 7. Next week they will teach 4 + 3 = 7. The rest of the world is advancing in education standards and America is going backwards. Ditch CC and go to the education standards taught 100 years ago.
Horse Hockey..
these leftist fools are more worried about implementation than rooting out this communism
[…] Rotten to the Core? Liberals Turn on Common Core Standards ( […]