And we’re also back reminding everybody that the establishments of both parties continue to be in denial, and maybe they’re not. Maybe they know by now how fully opposed they are and they just got their backs up and they’re going, “Well, screw you. We’re still gonna get what we want. You’re the serfs. We’re the elites. We run the show. Screw you. You may have some temporary victories here, but we’re gonna get this done no matter how and no matter where, whether you’re looking or not, we’re gonna get it done.” That’s their attitude.
This whole notion of working together, bringing the country together? We’re way past that. We’re never… We’re not gonna unify with the liberal Democrats. We’re not. There’s no candidate out there that can forge a kumbaya. These people have to be defeated.
They have to be defeated. There’s no unity here. There never, really, has been in this country, anyway. It’s always been a contest for leadership.
Um, And this from a Rhino supporter since his inception…
They must be really worried now that Jeb is out of this GAME.
But as much as Rush touts he loathes these “Bread and Circus” electorates that are still standing, I would wager that he will cast his vote for Rubio, and if he is not a possible contender at that time, then Cruz.
He has made his career & his livelihood income on boldly spouting his journalistic criticisms on what others say and do. It has made him rich. Now he has another using his Schtick…
Yet, he criticizes the same crass and boldness which Trump is using to speak…
How ironic indeed.
I wonder what it feels for him to look in the mirror and see a semblance of Trump looking back?!
As this great deception has been orchestrated, standing on the sidelines, promoting ignorance to the masses, were the biggest names in talk radio: to wit and specifically, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck – and worse, the wanna-bees who got behind microphones dedicated to emulating what seemed to be the road to success.
The sad truth is Talk Radio – this incredible vehicle that could have been the backyard-over-the-fence conversation gathering point for patriots, instead became the ultimate weapon of destruction of the country by the globalist elites.
The deceit that’s killing our country is just another day at the office for Talk Radio’s superstars.
exposing modern mugwumps
Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity Calling for Con-Con
Glib criticism of typical talk radio hosts aside, the overall message in Limbaugh’s presentation is spot-on and warrants at minimum an Amen.
Now with that said, the question should be, “What is the intended consequence of so eloquently expressing the truth in the narrative?”.
Regardless Limbaugh’s possible motive(s), he has spoken truth. Conservatives of all stripes need to accept that their greatest weakness is their desire to treat those who wish them ill fairly and with respect.
The wicked will never tire of wickedness so long as the meek through forgiveness and benevolence perpetually consign them to it. While God is the final arbitor, he has given us principles to apply towards justice in our daily lives.
We as a people need to remember these principles and apply them most vigorously.
Do not foolishly expect the wicked and selfish to acknowledge that responsibility and join your efforts. We have historically done so at our own peril, and now reap the harvest we have sown.
According to “conservative” millionaire disinformer Rush Limbaugh,[1] the growing chasm between the mega rich and the hyper poor is nothing but a figment of the imagination of Marxists, communist and the Left encouraged by Obama — Limbaugh blames Obama for everything that is wrong in this country. Nevertheless, he has never explained how it is possible that an impostor with a third rate intellect who spends most of his time playing golf and have never written anything worth reading, can conceive things like Obamacare and Obamatrade to screw Americans.
Servando Gonzalez
Limbaugh has also been undercutting the numbers of illegal aliens for many years even though ive emailed him MANY times the sources that prove there are 3 to 4 times what he uses on the air -- yes it matters!!
Limbaugh refers to himself as the “Doctor of Democracy” and rightfully so as he stands with Mark Levin pushing a Constitution destructive Article V Con Con..