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6 months ago

Western sources leak Russia nuke plans from 2008.

Can you spell false flag?

Clown World is running out of stories as Ukraines surprise attack is getting wiped out.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

Well here it comes--now they are starting in with ‘justification’ propaganda yet again. Remember the ‘babies in incubators’ being disconnected back in the first sandbox war? Then the “WMD’s” Remember how “Russia attacked and invaded Ukraine” for ‘no reason.’ Because ‘Putin wants to rebuild the former Soviet Union.” Who cooks up this horse-$shite anyways? Like the USA doesn’t have plans to nuke Russia as well. Like these fools in the Pentagram just sit around fooling with their government provided Kureg coffe makers. Not only is the USA doing the same--they are actively putting all the pieces into place for nuclear strikes as I type this. In fact, Russia has activated it nuclear forces in the field for a NATO first strike. This is what is probably going to happen FYI. Get ready for it, because you reading this (and your families) are going to pay the price for such actions.

6 months ago

With all those Russion super sonic missles everyone in major western cities won’t even have time to say Oh Cr@p! The rest of us will be left for the mop up invasion crews planted in a small town near you.