Russia Calls For Mandatory International Treaty To Ban Bioweapons

Russia Calls For Mandatory International Treaty To Ban Bioweapons

Over the years, Russia has expressed alarm over US military-funded biowarfare labs in several of its neighboring countries. But since all of these cautions fell upon deaf ears, Russia is calling for a mandatory international treaty to ban bioweapons.

This week, the Russian military stated that Ukrainian authorities had instructed the disposal of severely infectious specimens held in US-backed biological labs around the nation.

According to the Russian foreign ministry, the documents show that both Ukraine and the United States violated the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which both countries signed and ratified. According to the report, the order to eliminate the samples was a move to conceal treaty infractions.


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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

The heck with the grand standing, release the data or shut up.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Senate hearings the other day. Victoria Nuland admitted that Ukraine had bioweapon labs. Several. Ukraine didn’t have the resources to fund that many labs. But the US did.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Amen Putin! Preach!! Our at home ( inside the continental USA) biolabs have also produced illness, sickness, death and disability inside the USA. INSIDE the USA. Ban bioweapons. They are for cowards.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The US is already signed on to a Bioweapons Treaty. The US also has a Bioweapons Anti Terrorism Act. Ask any American Indian how well the US abides by their treaties. We can’t even get the US government to abide by the Bill of Rights.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
2 years ago

Fort Detrick in Maryland