Russian His Swing

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, russia, syria, putin, golf

Well that didn’t take long. Following a one-on-one meeting at the U.N. which gave Vladimir Putin the ability to measure the degree to which Barack Obama is a mewling pantywaist, the Russian dictator launched a surprise attack in Syria (after graciously ordering the United States to get the hell out of the way) on the anti-Assad rebels being funded and trained by the CIA.

That’s right – Putin is bombing the crap out of our few surviving allies in the region, and so far the only response from Washington (via an oddly twitchy John Kerry during a live conference at which his Russian counterpart referred to him as “Joan”) was to say that our country appreciates the Russians’ “help” in fighting ISIS but, um, considering they’re not dropping their bombs anywhere near ISIS, we should have a meeting – sometime soon! Maybe even tomorrow! – to see if we can come to some sort of agreement on their choice of targets.


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9 years ago

the U.S. wasn’t bombing Isis either, instead they were dropping arms, food and medicine to these murderers of Christian Brothers and sisters, so in my book Obama should be handcuffed and jailed for treason since it was him and his seditious CIA who constituted this murderous army of demonic hosts. the sodomite has much blood on his hands and the day will shortly come when God will take his cursed blood stained hand life. I pray everyday for this evil mans death and the removal of his demonic army.