Russian Military Intelligence Chief in Egypt for Talks


Russia’s military intelligence chief reportedly arrived in Cairo earlier this week for high level talks with Egyptian officials, prompting some observers to warn that Moscow is seeking to replace the United States as Egypt’s top regional ally.

Security officials at Cairo International Airport confirmed to the Arabic media that Viackeslav Kondraskou, the chief of Russia’s military intelligence, had arrived on Monday for three days of talks with top Egyptian officials, including military leaders.

Kondraskou and other members of his delegation are reportedly scheduled to meet a number of Egyptian military officials to discuss security issues and other regional developments, according to reports in both English and Arabic.

Egyptian military officials have announced in recent weeks that they are seeking to grow closer with Russia after the United States cut off some of its aid to Cairo. The Egyptians say that they are particularly interested in purchasing Russian-made arms.

One Egyptian military official recently indicated that “Russia was being considered as a possible new source of advanced weaponry after Washington decided to freeze some of its annual military assistance to Egypt,” according to a World Bulletin report on Kondraskou’s visit.


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