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I believe that Putin is waiting on the Midterms in America to see if we the people will stand up or exercise any strength against the current democrat regime. Once he knows that, he will gage his response to the US directly. Russians know the physical, spiritual and mental suffering of war and at heart and they are not willing to go to war for vanity. Can we recover our balance? Or will we continue down the path of self-destruction trying to take the global nations with us? Lest anyone think I am a Putin advocate or democrat basher, I am not. However, I am a living human being who believes in God given Freedom, Wisdom and Life. What I am saying is rational, not ideological.
Right, never interrupt the enemy when they are busy destroying themselves. Putin plays Chess…. The west is playing checkers.
Putin’s speech was very rational. Truly, he is a world leader of high caliber.
WOW! This should be required viewing for all in th FUSA.
Either We The People clean up this mess of an unelected regime currently running the world headlong into chaos or Mr. Putin will.
Wow, Putin can speak in complete sentences and make sense!
What an odd world we now inhabit. There is nothing irrational in his words, and he has the aura of stability and leadership that we once had in the US. Whatever sickness infests the US right now I pray it can be cured. Russia is not our enemy.