Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed

The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war.

The Obama administration claims that the weapons in that facility, which include sarin, mustard gas, and nerve agent VX, manufactured to prosecute the war against Iran in the 1980s, do not pose a threat because they are old, contaminated and hard to move. “We do not believe that the complex contains CW materials of military value and it would be very difficult, if not impossible to safely move the materials,” said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

The administration’s dubious rationale is based on information provided by the Iraq Study Group, which was tasked with finding WMDs in the war’s aftermath. They found the chemical weapons at Al Muthanna, but they determined that both Iraq wars and inspections by the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) had successfully dismantled the facility, and that the remaining chemical weapons were rendered useless and sealed in bunkers. The report called the weapons facility “a wasteland full of destroyed chemical munitions, razed structures, and unusable war-ravaged facilities,” the 2004 report stated.


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Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
10 years ago

First, the United States knew exactly what chemical weapons Iraq had because we gave them to them to fight Iran back in the 1990s. Secondly, the United States trained the current members of ISIS to combat the Shiite’s of Syria. They were trained in the neighboring country of Jordan.

There really is no Left/Right dialectic. It is just a smoke screen to keep us from seeing what is truly going on.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Marshalek

Correct. Most people I have spoken with never think to ask why we have had a brigade of airborne troops in Jordan for more than a year now. The correct answer is, “they have been training someone”, which begs the question of “Who have they been training?” I agree with you, that they have been training what has now come to be know as ISIS forces.

Thus my final question is “when are we going to impeach and convict those responsible for violating their oaths of office, and for aiding and abetting our nation’s enemies?”