Safety and Preparedness Seminar

We The People Franklin County Patriots

 Meeting August 2, 2012 

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Next meeting will be:

Thursday August 2, 2012

601S Bickett Blvd
Louisburg, NC 27549

6:30pm for dinner & round table discussion
main meeting starts at 7:00pm

Guest Speaker:  David DeGerolamo presents Safety and Preparedness

We are a conservative Bi-partisan group who are concerned about the direction our country is headed. We believe in and respect our Constitution, limited government, self-responsibility, 2nd amendment rights, and our military. We do our best to bring you speakers to educate all on our history, current political events, and bring your local politicians to speak and for you to question. We invite all to come get involved in restoring America to its founding principles

If you have any questions feel free to contact the Facilitators: Roger Lytle 919-269-6384 / or Dee Sams 919-868-0431 /

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