Sailor in Chattanooga shooting has died

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The Navy says that the sailor who was shot Thursday in an attack at a military support center in Chattanooga, Tenn. has died.

The sailor was one of three people injured when a gunman opened fire, killing four Marines. The shooting is being investigated as a domestic act of terrorism.



The FBI must be using common core math in their investigation of the Chattanooga shooting. But 2 +2 still equals 4: ISIS preannouncing the attack means this was an ISIS attack. Islamic terrorism is real, even if the pResident will not allow us to say those two words.

Hundreds of FBI agents to investigate one dead ISIS shooter? And they are looking for a motive? A good man told me yesterday that we have to stop reacting and start acting. He is correct. Our government is either:

1. Complicit

2. Incompetent

3. Both

When will any of our “leaders” in the government and military honor their oath to uphold the Constitution? When was the last time that you read the Constitution? I do not feel domestic tranquility.

How about “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions“. Our country has been invaded by illegal aliens and terrorists.The government continues to enable this invasion as our soldiers and people are being murdered. Do you feel that the laws of the Union are be executed or are we being executed?

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.  Any questions?

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

“When will any of our “leaders” in the government and military honor their oath to uphold the Constitution?”

First -- they have NO HONOR!

Second -- The question should be, since we know from their past lack of actions, “When will WE hold their feet to thew fire”? We have a remedy and that’s a recall vote. When was the lat time this happened? When Scott Walker (R) was recalled and WON by in an even bigger landslide. This CAN happen. Question is, “why hasn’t it it been done to the dirt bags who refuse to follow our demands”?

9 years ago

its more than just the current boogeyman ISIS -- its what we have been at war with for centuries, Jihad itself………

Read the Quran

according to the current Regime -- US citizens who disagree with them are the terrorists..

Read their lists of what they describe as potential domestic terrorists -- David has them..