Sam Culper: Malheur Aftermath & Lessons Learned


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Tom Angle
9 years ago

There goes the hearts and minds thing. I cannot think of a war that was won with winning the hearts and minds.

Just a question, but I have never heard most of the patriot movement people ever define where to make a stand. All I hear is how foolish someone is that does take a legal stand. I do mean illegal acts the thieves make.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Tom it is telling how we are constrained by laws they repeatedly violate. If the founders held such a view we would still be subjects of the crown.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Scroll down to the posts after the video….interesting reading.

John K.
John K.
9 years ago

I respect what Tom is saying, he is right with respect to big wars, but most Intra-National insurrections were won by winning hearts and minds” first. The American Revolution, Spanish Civil War, Cultural Revolution in China and the Focoist uprising in Cuba putting Fidel in power are just a few examples. Guerrilla warfare is absolutely dependent on a friendly populace for support. The fact that the Medellin in Columbia lost popular support spelled their end to support the point. Just because Patriots are morally right does not mean planning and the lessons of history are rendered “not applicable”.
Best to all, JK