
by Robert Gore

The tectonic shift of our times is the subduction of the decentralization plate under the command and control plate. Yesterday’s Brexit vote amounts to the first in what will be a series of earthquakes. SLL had enthusiastically, and erroneously, given that first earthquake designation to Greece’s “Oxi,” or No, vote last July on the EC, ECB, and IMF Troika’s debt proposals (“Oxi! Greece’s 9.0 Earthquake”), but the vote was squelched as its leaders buckled. Greece’s debt problems were papered over with yet another doomed-to-fail solution that guarantees a larger and more insolvable problem in the near future.

The European powers will try, but the Brexit vote will be much harder to subvert. Command and control, as embodied by the EU and every other supranational governing institution—and every national government—is under mortal stress, doomed by its massive failures and its incompatibility with the demands of human survival. The proponents of staying in the EU weren’t even saying to the British: give us one more chance and we’ll get it right. They were saying: stay with us and we’ll keep doing what we’ve been doing wrong. Who accepts such a manifestly idiotic bargain? The wonder is that the vote was close, but the fear-mongering status quo mounted a ferocious and extraordinarily mendacious campaign.

The vote will hasten the EU’s eventual demise, but the biggest loser may turn out to be the US government. It pushed hard for a European union at the end of World War II and has promoted it ever since (Obama did his own cause more harm than good by telling the British how to vote). The EU was to be America’s one stop vassal, much tidier than trying to herd all of Europe’s cats. Just yesterday, The Wall Street Journal, a house organ for US unipolarity, headlined, “U.S. Worries ‘Brexit’ Will Dent Its Clout.” The government is right to worry. The confederated empire will be much harder to maintain if the EU dissolves, especially with its other European pillar, NATO, under attack from Donald Trump.


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