Santa Claus is “White Supremacy Symbol” say liberals!

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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Well to be honest it is, after all it was mostly Whites who brought Christianity to the world and in some instances forced it upon non-Whites. Of course Santa Claus, a Christmas tradition, originates in White Countries.

The truth is that as a society destroys itself via diversity this can be expected and counted upon as the majority moves towards a minority status. Just was we see the heritage of the South being destroyed isn’t it obvious what comes next?

This is why the founding fathers were specific in their declaration “for us and OUR posterity” as well as the naturalization act of 1790. Those were not declarations, proclimations, or legalizations of “diversty’ but a recognition and acceptanace of God’s handiwork in creating and separation the nations of the world. We ignore God’s handiwork to our own demise.