Open your eyes and take the appropriate action to prepare for a civil war in our country. The only way it will not happen is if WW III starts first. Both courtesy of an out of control federal government.
David DeGerolamo
h/t WRSA
Open your eyes and take the appropriate action to prepare for a civil war in our country. The only way it will not happen is if WW III starts first. Both courtesy of an out of control federal government.
David DeGerolamo
h/t WRSA
WARNING: You Will Never Look At Life The Same! You’ve Been Lied To.. (2020)
Sorry, NHNE, I’m not buying the message in the vid you posted. No Roman empire, no religious wars, ecumenical cathedrals, no wars at all. This all sounds like masonic revisionism and just another offshoot of the protocols of zion to try and destroy my faith in the Redeemer. Gentlemen, take heed to protect your mindset if you click the link. Very deceptive presentation. TET.
I agree with Timothy E. Tucker:
“Gentlemen, take heed to protect your mindset if you click the link.” A link subitted by “New Human New Earth”.
You will destroy many brain cells!
I dont understand why “New Human New Earth” is allowed to continue on in the obvious attempt to sabotage this great website.
Watching and figuring policy change concerning using this site for personal agendas.
Good call. imo also.
As with anything posted here…take only what resonates with you and disregard the rest.
I agree with Mr. DeGerolamo: “Open your eyes and take the appropriate action to prepare for a civil war in our country.” I think it’s inescapable. Any victory in any battle now is just a temporary lull before the storm.
Discern as you will: War with Iran pt.1