Satellite Images of the Mississippi – May 12th

The following satellite images from NASA show a clearer picture of the magnitude of the flooding by the Mississippi River at Memphis, TN on May 12, 2011.

(Left) Landsat 5 image of the Mississippi River in the Memphis, Tenn. Area on May 12, 2006. (Right) Landsat 5 image of the Mississippi River in the Memphis, Tenn. Area on May 10, 2011. Credit: USGS/NASA

Opening the Morganza Spillway by the Army Corp of Engineers levees could allow flood waters 5 to 25 feet deep across 3 million acres.

The economic impact for transportation, energy costs (coal, oil and refinery production) and the loss of agricultural products could not have come at a worse time for our nation. The inflation rate is increasing as the unemployment rate will jump once the states cut payrolls to balance their budgets at the end of June.

David DeGerolamo

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