Schiff Rejects GOP Whistleblower Testimony Demand, Due To “The President’s Threats”

In the least-surprising news item of the day, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff has rejected GOP calls for the so-called whistleblower to testify in the sham impeachment hearings.
Schiff explains in a letter to Rep. Devin Nunes that the whistleblower’s testimony is “redundant and unnecessary,” claiming that the impeachment inquiry has gathered evidence that “not only confirms, but far exceeds” information in the original complaint.
In the future everyone will remember two things:
- Where they were when the coup was completed.
- Why they did not fight evil.
David DeGerolamo
If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what strategy would it use?
What difference does the ‘character’ of a whistle blower mean ?( sarcasm)
This is why doing our own homework is necessary in almost every single circumstance, ‘before’ the knee jerk reaction and the jumping to conclusion phase.