Thieves from other countries are coming to pick over the bones of the overthrown Republic. But not just any thieves: they are sophisticated and smart. They steal currency, gold and jewelry because they are small and hard to trace.
The stench of rot and decay so prevalent in Washington, D.C. has been intentionally spread throughout our nation. Stay away from crowds, always carry your “friend” and make sure that your friend is well fed.
David DeGerolamo
There’s no such thing in law as an “Illegal Immigrant”. They are Foreign Nationals, and correctly called, Illegal Aliens. They are not even “Migrants”, who have a Visa to work here.
Anything other than these correct words is propaganda, and it works, to numb your senses to think they have some right to be here. They don’t.
All I can say, if this ever happens where I live and prayerfully not, I will light up all their rear ends in flames of magnesium and they will burn on the ground in front of me and I will not give it a second thought. every one of these Obiden/Obama maggots will be gone. We reside in a second amendment sanctuary county, and we will do what needs to be done. Out of 100 counties in N.C. there are now 63 counties which have adopted 2nd amendment sanctuary status, and the number will increase by another 15 by years end, so it’s a warning to the feds and state government don’t even think about removing guns from the Citizens hands or your rear ends will be lit up as well. they have no jurisdiction in our counties, the law is the law, and we don’t care about federal law, nor will we observe it concerning our 2nd amendment rights. Even our S-bag governor could not stop this, he was put on notice a few years back stay the hell out of our counties business.
Yet your Sheriff will arrest you for violating federal law.
If he did his rear end would be kicked out and fast. We don’t play around in our county, Iam not going to wait around for the deputies to show up, if I do my family and I could be dead by that time . They either do there job or they will have to get the hell out of the way. When we voted on the second amendment sanctuary county status many deputies were there and on our side, if not they would have all been gone. We had hundreds of good ole boys filling the government building that night with an overflowing crowd into the main vestibule and they were not messing around. Every county commissioner voted in lockstep and if they didn’t they all would have been booed and voted out or told to step down. Folks don’t play where I live.
what counties in NC ?
The folks that put up your security system know how to defeat it.
Wonder just how well vetted and paid they are. I’ve seen some of the installers and some of them resemble the roofers in TX, tattoos and all.
I recall at least two news stories a few years ago how an unnamed popular security company’s own personnel were caught stealing from clients’ homes.
Like those unnamed Amish Youths doing drive Bys the stories fade away.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Something smells fishy about this. With all the security cameras and burglar alarms and yet not one video is seen or an alarm goes off. What are the odds of that happening. .
This is why I prefer to install my own cameras and security. I’m also particular who wants to use my wifi. I got a family member every time they come over, bah wah I want to use your wifi. They have unlimited data on there smart phone and when they cant get what they want they act like a 10 year child.