See For Yourself: Fauci Lab Leak Report

If you feel like writing your Senator:

Dear Worthless Senator: I’m reading Zerohedge this morning and find out Project Veritas broke a story about the DOD and DARPA having full knowledge of the gain of function research in Wuhan, and having full knowledge that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for gain of function Covid19 – since the beginning. So everyone in the upper echelons of power knew Ivermectin worked as a very effective, cheap and safe treatment for Covid, but the remedy was black boxed and instead we nuked the global economy, put pretty much the planet under lock down; and then bribed, lured, cajoled, berated, threatened, ridiculed, nudged, and eventually forced every single ***** person alive on the planet older than 12 to vax up, or else? What in the Sam Hill is going on? How many people died from the toxic and bloody expensive designer drug Remdesivir (Rundeathisnear)? How many people were intubated which led to their deaths? How many people are suffering permanent disability and death from the most dangerous global experiment on human beings ever conducted? How many people were strong armed to vax up? Who decided it was a good health policy to put sick Covid patients into nursing homes? WHERE ARE THE INDICTMENTS? WHERE ARE THE PERP WALKS? WHO THE ** IS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY? DO CORPORATIONS HAVE A LICENSE TO COMMIT MURDER? And now the Feds want to run our elections? ** the FEDS; the United States Government is officially a rogue government. And it’s all supported by printed fiat worthless digital/paper currency that keeps magically pumping out dollars to pay for the FEDS nefarious, dangerous, and wholly ignorant destructive activities. All compliments of the Diabolical Banking Cabal – which will in short order OWN EVERYTHING. Dishonest money means dishonest government. Dishonest government means tyranny, corruption, malfeasance, personal enrichment, and waste. In other words, the FEDS are officially illegitimate. I’ll tell you, it ain’t easy sitting back and watching a genocide in real time whilst some real genuine monsters get rich. What are you going to do about this mess? I know… harder….please

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I prefer to vote from the rooftops, as stated black rifles do matter if you don’t have one by now get one. The illegitimate government has replaced freedom with slavery. I will fight them any way and by any means necessary until they are defeated. Your war on me will not silence me or keep me from performing my oath I took at 17yrs old. You are now my mortal enemy, I don’t care that you are searching for me here I am.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


3 years ago

I downloaded the PDF but, it very hard to read with the huge Project Veritas Watermark on top of the print. They deserve all the credit in the world for providing it I just wish they had put the watermark in the corner or anywhere not on top of the text.
Now, the question is. Does this get any traction? Some talking heads have said it is bigger than Watergate. 5 million deaths worldwide would certainly suggest it is to the nth power bigger than Watergate. However, with all the bombshells that Veritas has exposed over the last 5 years. Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts, exposing fake media like CNN, exposing collaboration to bring down a presidential election. What came of those exposes? Nada…nothing…<crickets>

Last edited 3 years ago by Brewer55
Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Do you really want to know why nothing happens?
It’s because you, me and everyone else doesn’t do anything except to bitch and moan about their criminal actions. We take no action on of their criminal actions.
Really now, If you were the bad guy and everyone did that to you would you be scared? Would it influence you to stop your bad actions? FUCK NO it wouldn’t and it won’t stop the criminals in our government either.
No one except Kyle Rittenhouse has stood up to these sonsofbitches.
It’s time to Man Up or STFU, my 71 year old self included.


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