Here’s how confiscation might actually go down.
Here is how it might actually go down. This is one possible scenario:
First, you’ll be labeled as a terrorist, some weird guy who wants to overthrow the government. Maybe your photo will be posted somewhere stating that you are very sick, and that you pose a danger to society.
If you are a member of some group, let’s say a prepper group, you all will be labeled as terrorists first, and through the media, you can be portrayed as a domestic terror cell, to the point that your next door neighbor will help police to get you.
Do not underestimate the power of the government machine. You may truly be a fighter for constitutional rights and a real patriot, but in 3 days you can become a crazy terrorist that citizens will actually hunt down and shoot like a mad dog.
The point here is there is no point of publicly “yelling” about what you own and what are your rights to own.
Of course, you need to own weapons that you think it makes sense to own.
But why does everybody else need to know that, including government and government services?