Senate committee formally begins process to repeal Obamacare

President Barack Obama makes a statement to reporters as Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky looks on after a meeting regarding the BP Deepwater Horizon in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington, Thursday, June 10, 2010. (Associated Press) **FILE**

The Senate Budget Committee sent formal instructions Friday to committees tasked with leveraging a fast-track budget tool to chalk up a major, if symbolic, GOP victory: the repeal of Obamacare.

The congressional budget for fiscal 2016 instructs chairmen of the Finance and Health committees to each find ways to reduce the deficit by $1 billion over the next decade.

Earlier this week, House budget negotiators sent similar instructions to its committees on Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means.

Many in the GOP think the arcane budget process, known as “reconciliation,” offers their best chance to repeal all or part of the contentious 2010 health law, even though President Obama would veto any measure that attacks his signature achievement.

“I don’t think he’s going to sign anything, frankly,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, told “The Hugh Hewitt Show” on Thursday, referring to a less ambitious effort to repeal Obamacare’s medical device tax.


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9 years ago

MCConnell wont do anything he works for the monkey man child and if anyone should be repealed it needs to be ninja turtle head McConnell