
A Maine Republican state senator is apologizing to his colleagues for a Facebook post suggesting President Obama’s family members are part of Islamic State, but he’s resisting Democrat calls for him to resign.

Sen. Michael Willette’s troubles began March 1 when he reposted a picture to his Facebook page critical of Obama.

“I’ve been very good over the last year and a half not posting things about Obama, but this one was too good to pass up. I promise this will be the last one for some time,” he commented when posting the image of Obama speaking into a microphone, appearing to say, “Why haven’t I done anything about ISIS? Because I’ll deal with them at the family reunion.”

The post, along with earlier ones publicized by a liberal blogger that reportedly expressed animosity to Muslims and accused members of the administration of being part of the Muslim Brotherhood, brought criticism from the state’s Democrat Party.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

What is obviously a joke on the pResident has become a cause to make a state senator resign? Or is it too close to the truth? Obama’s Muslim’s ties are impacting our nation’s security.

David DeGerolamo

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Don Johnson
Don Johnson
9 years ago

It is refreshing to see “O”‘s own party attacking him with stuff like this. Maybe there is some of that “Hope & Change” coming to the “Democratic Party” in the near future ! You Think ?