If you want to know why the most extreme elements of the Left are winning 50-year culture wars overnight without facing a modicum of opposition, look no further than North Carolina’s junior senator, Thom Tillis (F, 36%), and his refusal to defend HB2.
North Carolina is under attack from the federal government and President Obama’s allies for upholding the most self-evident laws of nature and civilization: protecting the privacy of women in bathrooms and locker rooms. Yet, the state’s senior senator, Richard Burr (F, 45%), doesn’t seem to be bothered by this assault. In response to the governor’s request for help from Congress, Burr demurred and scandalously claimed that this issue is the exclusive purview of the courts. Concerned constituents wanted to know where Tillis, the junior senator, stood on the issue. A.P. Dillon, a key grassroots activist in North Carolina and expert on HB2, posted a copy of Tillis’s response. Here is the “meat”:
And why I have not supported or voted for either of them.