Be still my beating heart! There it is, out there—the M-word! Several of them in fact! Moratorium on Muslim Migration!
I started to write this post yesterday, then spent the day running out to the doctor (nothing is fast with doctors these days, have you noticed that) and as I’m trying to read news on my phone, the Cruz and Paul news was eclipsed by The Donald news when he jumped on the bandwagon.
However, all of the news reports I was reading and hearing claimed Donald Trump was alone in his call for a ban on Muslim migration to America. He was actually the third Presidential candidate to make that call. Trump called it a “ban,” but that sounds like moratorium to me.
This is what I started to write about yesterday from Julia Hahn at Breitbart. She has Senator Cruz uttering the word and I heard Senator Paul say it on Fox News yesterday morning!
Presidential candidates Sens. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are demanding a halt to immigration from Muslim nations with jihadist movements.
Their fellow contender, Sen. Marco Rubio, did not call for curbs to Muslim immigration in his live response to the President address on Fox News – a response promoted by Rubio’s campaign.
Cruz tweeted that if elected president, “I will shut down the broken immigration system that is letting jihadists into our country.” Cruz elaborated in a statement:
“Moraturium” is a good first step.
Next, we need to round ’em all up into camps.
FEMA has already built and stocked them for us, so the camps are ready to be put into operation, according to countless internet reports.
Then we need to start ‘processing’ all of them.
Again, FEMA is way ahead of the curve on this, as there are aparently millions of plastic coffins produced under FEMA contracts, laying all over the place… the internet really is a wonderful tool, isn’t it?
And didn’t I read somewhere that FEMA was buying up lots of old barges, and stacking them up at US Govt. storage failities near ports like Charleston, Baltimore, Mobile, and Galveston?
What a coincidence, because all those barges would be a really convenient way to dispose of the…
Could it be, just maybe, that Fed.Gov has been planning such a pogrom against some particular group? Certainly, it wouldn’t be the muslims, because they’re all peaceful and such, but maybe some other “terrorist” group” we’ve been hearing about for the last few years?
Now, I challenge you: tell me where the alarmist insanity ends, and where reality begins?
Because it all looks like madness to me…
but that doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true.