Senior DOJ Official REFUSES Questions on Biden Crime Family & Deep State’s Corruption

Keeping track of evil? Here is an analogy for your consideration:

David DeGerolamo

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Bob Trosper Jr
Bob Trosper Jr
2 years ago

Pompous arrogance. Minion of the darkness. Blackened his heart by selling his soul and willingly does his masters commands. There will be reckoning one day, he better pray for the saving Grace of Our King Jesus. For the wages of sin are death and salvation comes from the Lord.Judgement also comes from the Lord. So this cow paddie spouts his trash compactor diatribe for entertainment of his master’s court. Little does it know It’s a coming and the self-righteous will be caught with their own secrets exposed for all to see .

2 years ago

“Lowest belief in the integrity of the Justice Department.” are you kidding us, we have total belief that the Justice Department has ZERO integrity and they haven’t an honorable cell in any of their bodies. Further to do the American people “justice” that criminal arm of the demoncrat party (DOJ) must be disbanded. and anyone presently working there should never be allowed to either hold any government position at any level and never be permitted to work in any field of justice or law enforcement every again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Well, they couldn’t ever hold a government position again because they’d all be hung for treason.

J Rich
J Rich
2 years ago

Ban ALL three letter organizations -- DOJ, FBI, CIA, CDC, NHS, etc. NONE of them can be trusted ever again. They are all corrupt and are doing the bidding of the leftist in this country. GET RID OF THEM ALL!!

2 years ago
Reply to  J Rich

Unfortunately they will just make up a bunch of new 3 letter names to put them in. It must be removed like the tumors they are, THEY ARE ENEMY#1..Not Russia, China, Iran and Korea. OUR OWN GOV IS THE NAZI PARTY NOW!
We need to wake up and realize America is not that shining beacon of freedom anymore but instead the producers of EVIL OLD RICH PEOPLE. We have been lied to for decades and now it’s going to blow up in our faces for being so gullible. “The greater good” BS “Land of the free” and the funniest one “home of the BRAVE”. Brave huh….WHERE? Please lead me to my people then

Billy Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  J Rich

Please DO NOT neglect to outlaw, disband, eliminate the SES and all those glorious recipients who have been rewarded such an elevated position in our society.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Justice, will only be achieved, at or above 1200 fps.

Billy Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Come on, man. 45 acp should not be discriminated against since it is ” America’s caliber “. You’re racist or misogynistic or something else bad. Heck, you probably deny the horrible horror that is the climate crisis.

2 years ago

IF Congogress (busy butt-uckfing Americans) then all 535 of them should be investigated, tried, and even HANGED for TREASOn.

2 years ago

USA -- Unholy Satanic Alliance