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Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
2 years ago

I have been curious and wanted to respectfully ask a question. This guy that is featured here on occasion. Why should I care what he thinks? I could just as easily post a video of me with a rifle, all upset, say a few buzz words like pandemic, new world order, freedom and constitution. I have looked into his youtube profile, seems videos that were are now not and there isn’t a bio of sorts to qualify dude to speak on anything.
In the vein of preachers, there are differing styles that appeal to some and not others, so I can see the draw to dude with gun talks tough. Yet without credentials of any sort whether in print or reflection I find the effort to be simply adding to the noise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

KWYM, Constitution is nothing more than the government’s formal structure.
The BILL OF RIGHTS are RESTRICTIONS on government agency, and are not even restricted by words. We have natural rights not even written in the BoR.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

he has point of view just as you do, even if you are off in left field some where. i am curious Ann Nonimous, do you feel the same way about liberal left wing lunatic Marxist demon-rats hell bent on destroying our nation?

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Well Phil. No. Because i don’t look to “ liberal left wing lunatic Marxist demon-rats hell bent on destroying our nation” for any value that adds to the fulfillment of my life view. They are however valuable, if one can stomach the exposure, for the purpose of gaining intel in general. I do require that anyone espousing pro-freedom beliefs to be at a minimum credible based on professional or life experience.
Points of view yep, like assholes we all have one. My point is, why should I care about the dude i referenced. Other than a lame attempt at attacking me you present nothing but your own point of view. Which is equally as useless. Seeming norm here with posts is to ignore the original content and to respond emotionally or with one’s own vested agenda instead of staying on topic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

Well my rear end, you have the nerve to talk about being useless at least I use my real name , what is yours besides alias, take a walk you fraud. I have seen to many deceivers like you growing up in New York City you learn
It on the streets. When the tough gets going you will be no where to be found. I spent time in the Nam protecting you right speak of which you do, what did you do but rattle off nonsense. It’s you who are a deceiver and you sound like troll.
What more can I say, I got my stripes in the war what did you get.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Amen Phil, they usually show themselves.

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Again, personal attack, not on topic. Nothing I said in the original post was offensive. It was a question.
Its the internet Phil. For all I know you are franticly typing away with cheetos encrusted fingers in your moms basement before your shift at Subway. That said I have no desire to address your claims of service or super cool street smarts. Which btw, also have NOTHING to do with the topic.
So that you don’t stroke out if you really are of ‘Nam age. You get the last word. I won’t reply and embarrass you further.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

As for my age Iam 70 and that’s right I have been around the world and then some, you dimwit protecting your rights so you can act like the jerk you are with no name, for the record I have never seen your alias name on this site before and I have been on it for years, I don’t want you responding to me because you are a some liberal dim witted troll in your mothers basement in pajamas eating Cheetos, you gave yourself away when mentioning that ,because all the stupid ignorant liberals dimwit use it. Go to sleep you will be a better person for it. May the lord grant you wisdom and insight to see what you are not seeing.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

Might it not be because censorship, I have watched his videos before the plandemic struck. I did not see any absurd emotional content, maybe the weapon offended you.

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Great response, thanks Tom, incredibly witty. On topic as expected. I may be catching on. There are those that think McDonalds is fine dining. Bon Appetit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

I may not always agree with someone; but I can either listen or not. Sometimes I even learn something.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

Thank you Ann.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The thank you was sarcasm.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

Ann Nonimous,
Brilliant, you missed your calling!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

Times are changing quickly and chaotically. We’re all on a hair trigger, so we’re all on egg shells. Most want to deal with people’s shit, and give space to who they are. That’s backwards. If you pursue truth, give space to their shit, and deal with who they are.
I have received great value from posters here, and from NCRen in particular, so when these videos bloggers are introduced here, I give them benefit of the doubt, until I can assess objectively.
My take on this guy is similar to yours, I suspect: I mostly agree with his points, but at the end of the video, I don’t seem to have learned much, have gained no new perspective or insight, and eventually lose interest. (I didn’t watch this one) Sometimes I perceive value in a pure rant, simply because it was eloquent, and offered me another way of speaking what I’m already saying. Sometimes I just like how I feel after watching, though I’m always highly suspicious of feelings, especially my own. I have learned a great deal in past from Alex Jones. He’s a real investigative journalist. But.. He is prolific, much of what he does meets the above description, and life is short. I usually wait for a site like this one, or more, to link to his lastest before I will check it out.
On the other hand, there are similar things, I felt similarly about in past, which I now see great value in…. so maybe I’m just missing something. When it just looks like shit to me, I try to give space to it, (essentially, just ignore it) and look instead for substance to interact with.
Truth is hard, but it’s how we predict the future to avoid unwanted outcomes, and it’s really all a brain is good for. We all do it differently, and our results will be judged by Nature, the nature of reality… perhaps god’s nature.
There *will* be a test, so it’s important to “get it right”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

dang… I was going somewhere, but I didn’t get there:

My real point is that it sounds like you would like these kinds of things to appear here less in future, and I question the wisdom in soliciting *others* to edit what you see.

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

Thanks for the well thought response. It was a question more for the author/poster who I do follow with much value added. Honestly I was fishing to see if I had missed something as I really didn’t find the value of yet another pissed off patriot’s diatribe.
With the small amount of research I have done I am not coming away with any better vibe for said videographer.
As you mention times are quickly changing. Hence the slight poke at video’s relevance and value. So much information to process it is shame to waste said time on fluff.
I do in fact very much appreciate this sight and have for years now though seldom to I poke my head out for comment. (just an fyi)

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Nonimous

yes, that occured to me also, but I failed to hang on to it long enough to include it in my response:

Sometimes a thing appears to be “fluff”, but something… gut feel… testimony or consensus of respected others… gives you a sense you can’t shake, that there is more here than what you are seeing, so you ask “what am I missing?”.

Anyone who sees value you don’t, but does not feel capable of communicating it to you effectively, perhaps because they feel you are not open to it, may be drawn to attack you for failing to see “the obvious”, which to you may be “the emperor’s new clothes”.

Times are about to get “interesting” (no they’re not yet), and we need to give space to folk’s “shit”, when who they *are* aligns well enough that we can work with them and possibly survive, when most will not. We must improve our condition, until we feel confident enough to do this, or we will die killing each other, instead of those that actually seek to kill us.

Citzen Joe
Citzen Joe
2 years ago

Good to see the “General” on the road. In some places, if you fly the Confederate Battle Flag, you might get arrested for a hate crime. I had a culturally enriching experience today. I had the misfortune to drive through Robbins, Illinois today. It is one of the nastiest south suburbs in the Chicago area. The town was flying the Black Nationalist flag from every light pole. Red, black and green. Of course, I had my pistol under my left leg and ready to go at all times. Round in the chamber, of course. I used to know a Serbian priest, who was a member of the League of the South. He used to fly the Third National Flag of the Confederacy, on a pole in front of his church, on the NW side of Chicago. It was just great. Very few people even know what it looks like.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

I watch this particular “videographer” when he comes up on this site because he is an excellent indicator of where men are at in their heads. I quit asking for credentials years ago because I can tell if a person has something of value or not within seconds. Since I have excellen,t deep and broad credentials but find I am often set aside because of age, I no longer have much use for the “paper credentials-only” crowd. I put great value on experience which shows through a person’s life and the fruit of it. The man above has an intact family, a farm with livestock and the machines to run the place. He works because he does talk about the hours and the conditions. He is God fearing, and he has grit. All in all, I have come to respect his opinion and the way in which he expresses it. If he were my neighbor, I suspect we would be friends.

2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

my thoughts exactly, thats the type of neighbor you want in bad times because you would have each others back in times of great distress.