By Brandon Smith
Of all the social drivers in history the concept of freedom is the most powerful and fascinating. There are many observable objective truths in the world and it’s always important to recognize them, but the idea of freedom is more rare because it is a universal SUBJECTIVE truth. Meaning, it exists inherently in the majority of individuals; we don’t learn it, we just know it instinctively. Most of us share the experience but there is no microscope or telescope in existence that can observe that experience. We just have to trust it, or perhaps, have faith.
Freedom is not taught to us, we are born with the idea already hardwired. If anything, it has to be conditioned out of us.
We can see the aftereffects of the human experience of freedom in the great upheavals that occur when our societies become too rigid, too controlled and too authoritarian. Some will argue that tyrants have no concept of freedom and this debunks the notion that it’s an inherent psychological quality, but this is a misconception. Many tyrants love freedom, but only for themselves. Like an obsessive compulsive, when the average authoritarian sees free movement within the rest of society all he sees is chaos that needs to be micro-managed. He is so mentally unhinged by the existence of independent activity that he is compelled to crush it and impose his brand of “order.”
If you want to understand the thinking process of the political left today, this is where you need to start. They believe only certain special people deserve to have freedom (or deserve to live), and they are of course part of that group. The rest of us can’t be trusted with freedom because we “think the wrong way,” and so we need to be corralled and fenced in.
This is not to say that some structure within society is wrong, it can be a good thing, but not when it is imposed by an elitist minority of psychopathic people. There will never be any justice within such a system, no fairness and no true progress. Authoritarianism is the opposite of progress; it is the antithesis, and yet these people call themselves “progressives.”
Freedom requires boldness and courage because it demands personal responsibility. When you are free to make your own decisions you are also free to fail, and only you can be blamed for your own failures. This is a terrifying notion for most leftists and collectivists because they believe that they are owed a positive outcome regardless of their actions or merit. They believe it is their “right” to be taken care of by others if they are incapable of taking care of themselves, but this is not equality, this is “equity.” This is stealing wealth and opportunity from more worthy people in order to artificially inflate others that put in little or no effort.
Meritocracy is the most equal system in existence because it is freedom based; equality of opportunity is the epitome of fairness; equity of outcome is the epitome of injustice.
Leftists hyperfocus on race, skin color and sexual identity for this very reason. They are desperately searching for a way to circumvent the obstacles of freedom, merit and individualism. If everything in society can be reduced down to race, then personal accomplishment and responsibility are no longer relevant. In the mind of the leftist, if certain people are inherently oppressed and others are inherently oppressive, then equality of opportunity is not enough and equity of outcome must be enforced.
Making everything about victim group status thereby erases freedom and meritocracy cannot function. All a person needs to do is say “I am oppressed, therefore I am entitled,” and if they meet the broad leftist criteria then they are handed a livelihood or success simply because they exist.
I saw a commercial on YouTube a week ago for yet another social justice documentary titled ‘Everything’s Going To Be All White,’ once again attempting to pontificate on our supposed reign of dominance across every facet of the globe and I could not help but think this entire narrative is nothing more than a cowardly attempt to deflect responsibility. Yes, it’s also an attempt to divide and conquer western nations but how many people are actually watching these race hyped documentaries and TV shows un-ironically? According to the stats and reviews there aren’t very many.
There is no way to co-exist with the authoritarian left, force is their primary weapon and they control every aspect of the regime. They are now enforcing the latest edict of injustice, if you disagree with the plandemic or government tyranny, you are a terrorist.
War Drums — MonkeyWerx They are preparing the groundwork for the final push.
Almighty God -- in 1 Peter 5:8, You say the devil prowls like a roaring lion waiting to devour. You say your Son, is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We command our prayers fall in-line with YOUR Word Father; and that OUR LION is Yeshua, who has conquered death and sin through His blood on the cross.
You say Abba Father in Matthew 18:20; that when two or more are gathered in Your Name, You are there in their midst.
You say Jesus in Mark 11:23, even if you say to this mountain, be taken up and thrown into the sea, it will happen, that whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.
We come to you today Everlasting God, in prayer, supplication, and intercession and give thanks for you are Holy, mighty, all-knowing and that you love us unconditionally. We plead the Blood of Jesus over our brothers and sisters and we call upon an army of warring angels to set a hedge of protection around them, both above and below.
We ask that any evil entities working against Your will -- past, present and future, be cast down in the presence of Your Word and sent to where Jesus commands them.
Lord God, from Ephesians 6:17 , we put on the armor of light. Take up the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, and declare that our feet are covered with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and we take up the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
I pray the Blood of Jesus cover and seal this prayer for all eternity. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Can 4-5 man teams go into every town and city (i stand corrected) and solve all the problems that are now upon us?
What I said was in reference to organize locally, and build upon that.
OUTRAGE: Pelosi-controlled Capitol Police now SPYING on Republicans in latest attempt to target political opponents – NaturalNews.com