September 2018 Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens in NC

Dear NC citizen,

Well…here we are AGAIN. Another month, another Child Rape Report in NC. It just never ends!

Obviously our Representatives at the NCGA in Raleigh, are NOT hearing from enough NC citizens telling them to put a stop to this insanity. Until they do, these monthly child rape reports will continue. You would think that 5 years worth of them would be enough but apparently not.

For the month of September 2018, we were able to document illegal aliens who committed 16 separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault.

To see the latest monthly report, click here.

To view the past 5 years worth of monthly child rape reports, click here.

If you would like to contact your NCGA member and insist they enact and enforce strict illegal immigration laws:

Contact your NC House of Representatives member, click here.

Contact your NC Senate member, click here.

Once you find your county, simply click on the member’s name for their contact information.

Thanks for your support!

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Twitter: @NCFIREJames
Cell #  910-286-3022

Copyright © 2018 NCFIRE, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because of the illegal immigration problem in North Carolina

Our mailing address is:


P.O. Box 273

WadeNC 28395

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