Setting the Record Right – Part 2

Upfront comment: the rest of this post is not really worth your time.

I was forwarded this email below on September 23, 2013 (only a portion is shown):

From: Ed Figueroa
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 8:14 AM
Subject: Saber-rattling Internet Cowards

Last year David cashed-out is retirement 401K and advised others to do the same, and to buy gold and silver.  Ask yourselves today if that was a wise move?   Therefore, for anyone who associates themselves with extremist radical views as David and his followers, who proliferate online extremist rhetoric, are only exposing themselves and followers to not so favorable outcomes.   David and his associates need to reevaluate their positions and self-reflect.  Morals, Virtues, Ethics, and Principles are something that David and his group needs to self-examine for true definitions.  David is using these words as rhetoric to move forward his agenda, although the hypocrisy lies within his actions, and not the manipulation of his words. 

I had posted previously that I cashed my IRA as I have no faith left in fiat currency. Here is a copy of the transaction from August 11, 2011:


As shown above, I cashed out my IRA which was completely vested in a precious metals mutual fund. I had doubled my money and looked at different scenarios. If I cashed out my and my wife’s IRAs, our taxes and penalties would be roughly 45%. If we paid off our note on our house, we would have $200 left. It seemed to me that we were being led to cash out our fund (gold was at $1760 on that date) and eliminate the rest of our debt. We paid off our note and put the rest in the bank for taxes (which ended up being more than budgeted since we were taxed on the penalties).

If we had left our IRAs intact, as of October 4, 2013, we would have lost 57% of our retirement. Gold closed that day at $1311.20 but VGPMX closed at $10.58. So the reality is that we doubled our money on gold and platinum, sold at a high point, paid off debt and got out of the 1’s and 0’s. Most people know that I did not care for silver at that time.

I have two questions:

1. Why would anyone send out a large BCC emailed lying about me while at the same time putting a target on our backs as if we had a large amount of gold and silver ready for the taking?

2. Why did the majority of the people who received this attack email not stand up?

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I did not want to publish this article but the safety of my family and the fight against evil had to be addressed as Pastor Bonhoeffer taught us. The email also included a warning to my followers:

 David and his followers are the ignorant ones that will perish immediately if violence were to break-out.  David and his followers will be the few, and they will wish they never brought the exposure they did upon themselves and their followers.   It will be too late for regrets when their last thoughts are, hell, I screwed-up.

I do not want any followers but if anyone considers themselves to be a following of mine, here is my advice to you:

Luke 9:23 

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

To be absolutely clear, follow Jesus, not me.

David DeGerolamo

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Harpo Marx
Harpo Marx
11 years ago

At least we’ve got a pretty good idea from which end of Mr Ed that came from and what it means. Sounds threatening. Police should be notified and charges filed for harassment at least.

Thank you
Thank you
11 years ago

We have always appreciated the ncrenegade blog and efforts to keep the masses informed on pressing issues and news that actually matters. It’s stunning and creepy that anyone would take such an interest in your personal affairs. God bless you and your family.

First time on a blog
First time on a blog
11 years ago

Love your website and read it often. How do you know that the majority of those who received that email didn’t stand up for you? Aren’t the recipients undisclosed?

11 years ago

David . . . Wow -- your “answer” regarding the “answer” says it all

First time on a blog
First time on a blog
11 years ago

No it really doesn’t answer the question. How do you know everyone was silent? As you know our paths do not cross often, but when I had the opportunity, I asked you about this & other emails in private, and in person and told you of my reply. I wanted more information. Did the email go to 12 or to 100 but then maybe it doesn’t matter? I prefer for my first confrontations to be done in private and maybe there are others who feel the same. Had we not had the opportunity to meet in person, you would have never known that I “stood up for you.” Someone very close to me simply wanted more information and also wanted to confront in private. Now he is being judged and possibly ostracized for wanting to make sure he had facts. I would rather have this conversation in person, but it has been shut down (which speaks volumes), and due to recent events, I don’t know if our paths will cross again.
I do want you to know that I have a great deal of respect for you & I am having a hard time getting my point across in this format. I guess the real questions are:
Is everyone who wanted more information being labled as evil?
Are those involved allowed to express their opinions without being judged?
Are we to take the path of least resistance and follow the crowd so we will be accepted without worry that someone will resign and walk away?
I believe it is your right to handle evil in your life any way you believe you should, but are others allowed to disagree, seek information and confront “evil” in their own way? Or, are we expected to do as we are told and remain silent?
If someone asks for opinions but then disagrees with the “opinions” is it really ok to shut the conversation down?
Answers to questions like this will determine the path I follow.
Matthew: 18:15-17
” if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault,between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a gentile and a tax collector.”
I get that you have done almost exactly the above and that this has been a long and troubling ordeal for you and that you did not decide on your course of action in the heat of the moment or alone. Please consider, that some of us had very little knowledge of all that transpired until recently. Only the group within the group was privy to details. As a group of believers, it seems to me that we all should have had the opportunity to know the details. Some are still seeking, but apparently are not going to be allowed to do so.
I hope you receive this the way it it is intended. I am not judging you or your actions, but I also do not want those close to me to be judged or shut down, simply for wanting more information.
As said, I would prefer to have this conversation in private, but that opportunity has seemingly been taken away. And I feel I have no other outlet to express my opinion or ask questions.
Thank you for allowing me to get this out. If you would rather have the conversation in private rather than posting this, we are certainly willing.
Sincerely hope that I will be seeing you again.