The Federal Reserve “pulled” about thirty billion dollars ($30 Billion) of available credit from its Bank Term Funding Program, and many people are saying this lack of liquidity for banks, is going to cause a “crash..”
If bank’s money is tied-up in Treasury Notes for a fixed term, and the federal reserve has now pulled credit from the Bank Term Funding Program, then how will banks meet their cash needs if the federal reserve won’t give them the credit to get the cash from them? Answer: They won’t.
One rather blunt observer said “This whole thing is coming down. Soon. The fall guy is in place and setting up the scene. He is lining up the patsies and puffing up the patriot crowd. You ain’t getting no Vaseline when this one goes in.”
Read this today in the am. Glad it’s posted here. The writing is on the wall.
I wonder who brought up the scapegoat Trump idea here on NC Renegade a couple of times in the past few months.
That Buffitt was selling even Bank of America and was Historically cash heavy.
Be not a borrower, nor a lender be
Do not forget stay out of debt
Or as that proverb says
The borrower is slave to the lender.
Some smart soul might say max out the credit cards, how are they going to collect.
E-dollars as defaulting nations money reevaluated and a new currency replacement for the worthless one.
Then the Chinese style social credit score.
Debt gets repayed or you are a non-person. Cannot buy food, Cannot pay rent and so on.
Bankers and Government always get their pound of flesh.
Might want to read about Germany and the Hyperinflation of unlimited money printing during the Weimar Republic. When Money Dies is heavy reading so s snippet here:
Families planned their shopping the day before payday. All who could shop rushed to shop and get it paid for before the Prices went up. Often some went back to the store shelves.
A upper middle class family saved for years to buy a lake cottage, Weimar occurred and 2 years later that emergency fund bought a pair of work boots.
Got trusted friends and trusted family to ride out the Greater Depression and America’s bankruptcy?
Faith in God and trusted friends is priceless.
If Trump can slash spending sufficiently enough, doubtful but possible, we may be able to push the dollar collapsing on to the next POTUS, but I believe economic collapse is inevitable in the near future because we REFUSE to slash spending enough.
Slashing spending sounds good but as CONgress (spelling intentional) and Obama showed showed much noise, much flash, threatening grandma with poverty and death from her unable to pay for her medicines.
Trump and his appointees are NOT Dictators and the pigs in the feeding trough are going to fight, lie, slowwalk and study to death efforts to reduce spending.
Meanwhile flooding the news about closing services and such .
I am watching to see if they deny Trumps election Jan 6 as they said before.
Shadow Government and such. Creating laws earlier this year to make firing government employees nearly impossible. Writing laws to prevent Trump from leaving NATO and more.
“Legal Insurrection ” anyone?
If not they’re faking a belly up surrender to make Trump the scapegoat when they crash the system to ELIMINATE most of the debt AND Promised Services in bankruptcy.
I’d love to be wrong but the economic numbers, facts that they DIDN’T CHEAT (see missing 18 million votes story) and financial history isn’t looking good.
Von Mises said such a scenario cannot be avoided and called it a crackup boom. Without currency reform such things will continue to occur. But then few of here thought we could actually vote our way out of this one anyway.
After viewing that “insurrection” piece earlier, I have my doubts to the validity of this one. Eventually the dollar is going to collapse, in the meantime I’m investing what extra cash I have in Silver, primarily, and some gold, while adding to my ammo stash and survival pantry.
My eyes were opened in 2020 with covid crazy. We in the fUSA live in an illusion of freedom and individual liberty. We’re barely pawns in the game. We work, pay tribute and hope to be left alone. Dramatic shifts such that happened last week are scripted. Way too perfect the way it went down. IMHO. Campaign promises that are made actionable in the next year will be proof one way or the other. Carry on smartly.
“If my sons did not want war, there would be none.”
Gutle Schapner, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild
All wars are banker wars. Currency can be weaponized. Like the weather modification, the sheeple don’t see the warfare going on.
Can anyone help me with the picture of Elon Trump kid on the shoulders.
“A new order of the ages (is born),” is the meaning of the Latin phrase “novus ardo seclorum” which can be found on the back of a U.S. dollar bill.Got it, thanks.All would do well to investigate “New Age Reformation” NAR
Also 7 Seven Mountain Mandate.