This is one of the most insane things they’ve openly admitted
— E (@ElijahSchaffer) November 15, 2024
They are forming a shadow government to resist the democratic vote of the people and oppose Trump
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He gave up most of them, arrest them for sedition and as he stated abide by the Constitution.
Hey Tom hope all is well! That’s TREASON!
Yep wrong word, treason, glad your back Irod.
But when they gain power, to the victor go the spoils…absolute petulant children they are.
I don’t get it. Aren’t the progressive neocons already doing this through the mainstream media? What impact can they have that they don’t already exercise? Awarding themselves a title to sound more legit is supposed to frighten the true patriots? Pleeeezzz. They have no power.
the media is dead now and they all know it, they are no longer mainstream they are backstream with no viewers, no one listens or believes them anymore, they are all known liars and deceivers.
Nothing gonna change until we open that last box….
You may be right. There’s no way these criminal slugs are risking losing power, prestige and wealth and then be held accountable for their crimes on top of it all.
The cartridge box I presume …
As FJB would say, “c’mon man”. Seriously, who believes anyone is insane enough to film a seditious plot such as this? I do give the person that created this credit for making it appear to be so real.
Upon further review and investigation, this did happen, and I humbly apologize. Now it’s time to have this congresscritter arrested for sedition, hold a trial, and, once convicted, place this traitor before a firing squad
Since we the people are under direct attack, I vote to start President Trumps term a little early. Any takers?
He just put himself into prison for setting up shadow government and interfering in Trumps Presidency, when will this communist Marxist be picked up and arrested for sedition. right on the house floor he is breeding treason, it’s amazing these fools have no brains whatsoever. I would send this moron idiot to the worse prison in the federal system or sent to Guantanamo Bay and fed chicken poop and MRNA laced pork and beef full of gmo’s until he drops dead.
I’m sure president Trump and team have him and the rest of those traitors locked in their sights.
What this ignorant bastard does not realize is that his shadow gov is not rebelling or trying to undermine Trump at that point. He’s trying to undermine the United States Federal Government. I for one would encourage him to do it.
Having hired and trained lots of folks over the years, people like this usually end up on one of two tracks. 90% of the time they end up being shown the door with their walking papers after diligent corrective action. And about 10% of the time they end up in some sort of last chance meeting wherein they break down in tears, blubber their apologies and end up being pretty good employees. Easily this type of person is the most tedious and tiring. The cryers, however, do usually end up being exceptionally loyal.
Iam not so sure about this bunch of Marxist nazi garbage . You see, only an idiot like him would take to the floor and do what he did unless he was an Obama sodomite deep state loyalist who would fall on the sword for them, this idiot Marxist pervert slob needs to be made an example of. He did commit sedition and treason on the floor of the house and the good people of this nation heard what he stated out of his idiot mouth and now will become the jurors against him and anyone of the fools he mentioned. You go to prison for conspiring to commit coup with other house demonrat members.