Sheriff Glenn Palmer Under Attack

Sheriff Glenn Palmer Under Attack

Stand With Oregon Sheriff Glenn Palmer

Oath Keepers salutes Oregon Firearms Federation for putting the following report together, and also Chris Brumbles of Oregon Oath Keepers, for sending this in.


No sheriff in Oregon has done more to stand up for the Constitution and the Second Amendment than Sheriff Glenn Palmer of Grant County.

Sheriff Palmer traveled to Salem to oppose the debacle that is SB 941 and vowed he would not enforce this travesty against the people of his county.

Time after time the Sheriff has defended liberty and followed his oath in spite of withering attacks by leftists and media hacks posing as “reporters.” Now it’s time for us to stand up for him.


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8 years ago

“Obama Seeks To Restrict 2nd Amendment Rights For Seniors”.

To arbitrarily determine that a citizen of the United States should be deprived of any of their constitutional rights (second amendment) without a trial is actually on its face, I contend, is absolutely an unconstitutional act and an usurpation of the rights (ninth and tenth amendments) of United States Citizens and the States.

Freedom Warrior Comment:
If you stand by and let me be denied anything by them, they will come and take it from you.

The “Amendments” to the Constitution of the United States are under the heading of the “Bill of Rights” not the bill of privileges.

The amendments are enumerated to emphasize the rights of the Citizens’ and the States, then to the limiting the power of a central government the founding fathers feared, but knew we needed. They had the foresight to emplace limits to protect us from an over bearing central government even though they were trying to form one for the governance and defense of our new nation.

Citizens of the United States are only to lose or forfeit their rights when they demonstrate they do not deserve them due to usually some criminal or dishonorable activity that is determined by a Court of Law for civilians or Courts-Martial for military personnel both of which are legal proceedings.

I would submit that the second amendment is also an inalienable right and natural law as much as freedom of speech and religion and “should” not be denied unlawfully or limited from anyone. After all, while a rat does not know to give up prayers, the good Lord did give it the right to squeal in protest and guts to defend itself! Not a privilege.

The second amendment was not placed second in the Constitution so that we may hunt rabbits! The second amendment was placed where it is so that once we have warned (first amendment) an oppressively unconstitutional government we might have the means (second amendment) as well as the ability to impose the will of the people upon an oppressive government.

To allow any entity of the federal government such as the Social Security Administration, The Internal Revenue Service, The Center for Disease Control, The Bureau of Land Management, The Environmental Protection Agency, Veterans Administration or any other government created bureaucracy the power to arbitrarily determine that a citizen of the United States should be deprived of any of their constitutional rights (second amendment) without a trial is actually on its face, I contend, is absolutely an unconstitutional act and an usurpation of the rights (ninth and tenth amendments) of United States Citizens and the States.

In the Constitutionally defined form of government and liberties that we have inherited, we should continue to insist that government govern in the service of and at the pleasure of the people not the other way around. We have given up way too much power to the federal government.

I would like to quote out of context Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”.

The Vietnam war protestors of the 70’s are college Chancellors today, we defeated the Soviet Communists in Russia but they sneaked into the Democrat Party and into our federal bureaucracies while we weren’t being vigilant.

Why did we drop from required reading in high school the novels “1984” and “Animal House”?

Why do the Climate Change crowd and tree huggers celebrate Earth day and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday on the same day?

Today I think John F. Kennedy would be appalled, disgraced and an Independent.

Tom Angle
8 years ago

“The Vietnam war protestors of the 70’s are college Chancellors today, we defeated the Soviet Communists in Russia but they sneaked into the Democrat Party and into our federal bureaucracies while we weren’t being vigilant.”

No We ran McCarthy off like he was a lunatic in the 50’s. They did not sneak in, they walked right on in front door and where welcomed. The great generation embraces socialism because they deserved to live off the back of others. While shaming those that stood up and spoke out.