An executive order signed by president Obama in October has led Crisp County Sheriff Billy Hancock giving up a surplus military vehicle that could have been a valuable asset in the event tragedy ever struck the Community.
Sheriff Billy Hancock is quite familiar with the 1033 program. The National Defense Authorization Act allows all law enforcement agencies to acquire property for bona fide law enforcement purposes that assist in their arrest and apprehension mission. Hancock has used the program in the past to obtain equipment otherwise unobtainable in a community our size and with our tax base.
“We have obtained a few hand weapons (45 calibers), night vision equipment, bullet proof vest, and rifles through the program,” said Hancock. “Crisp County partners with two other South Georgia counties bringing the total population serviced by the Interagency Special Response team to approximately 80,000 citizens.”
The MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) would have allowed officers, who are being fired upon with assault rifles and other weapons, to respond to the area and hopefully safely resolve the incident. These incidents could involve retrieving innocent by-standers, wounded citizens or officers from dangerous and volatile situations. The MRAP was assigned to our Special Response Team and had not been deployed since its delivery to the agency in February of 2014.
The above article is actually trying to justify the police state.
David DeGerolamo