Shocking zombified tranq addicts sway on sidewalk in Philadelphia

Tranq dope combines fentanyl, a synthetic opioid drug, with xylazine or “tranq”, a strong non-opioid tranquiliser used to sedate horses, deer and other large animals. It was first detected by drug authorities in the early 2000s in Puerto Rico and, in the years since, circulated there and in limited areas within the American north-east, such as Philadelphia. But the drug has now been detected in nearly every state in the country and, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (dea), is probably being mixed by local dealers.

Xylazine can be bought for as little as $6 per kilogram on Chinese websites, so illicit drug suppliers can maximise their profits by using it to bulk up their more expensive fentanyl, supplied mostly by Mexican drug cartels. Many end users will not know whether they are buying fentanyl or tranq dope, though it is becoming increasingly risky to assume that the former has not been cut with xylazine. In March the dea said that almost a quarter of American fentanyl powder contained it. In 2021 the proportion was above 90% in Philadelphia.


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1 year ago

It’s the total decline into depravity, filth, perversions of all sorts, government induced this thru there lawlessness behavior of this rapid demonic wickedness. The nation is being judge and found wanting in Gods eyes for our filth and anti god bwhaviors. Hey , you just watch, this is coming to all those white pro communist liberal elite neighborhoods who brought the country all of this from the west coast to the east coast. God has given up the nation and the people for what they have done. the only protection we all have is in the arms of God and he will see us thru this wickedness, we just have to hold on to the very end and there will be a crown of righteousness for all who believe..

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
1 year ago

Family member works in substance abuse recovery. Xylazine is being used to “cut” or “step” on EVERYTHING! If they think they are buying coke with baby powder, it’s not, xylazine is used instead. You name it, it’s cut in. Then, there is the body sores, rashes. It goes on and on.

1 year ago

For all of those addicted to the drugs described above, I extend my compassion and heartfelt pity. I pray that the Lord will deliver them from their addiction.
For all of those supplying their victims with the drugs, I extend my righteous anger and loathing. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes against their fellow human beings. I pray that the Lord will deal with them accordingly.

1 year ago

So ask yourself: Why has not the LEVIATHAN put a stop to this? The obvious answer is TPTB see this as a culling of the useless eaters and dregs of society. Protect yourselves. When TPTB get through eliminating these misfits, they will come for the rest of us. Who will they use? I would imagine all of the: “Military-age young men who are infiltrating our Southern Border at the moment. Bleib ubrig.

1 year ago

TPTB do not care. They never did. This is on the DNC and the RNC. End of Empire situation. It will get worse.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

TPTB want a decline in the population and they don’t care about anyone taking drugs or over dosing, less useless eaters as Henry Kissinger used to say.

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1 year ago

What a damn Shame of epic proportions truly.