The woman who begged for help and a safe exit as police violently attacked demonstrators has not been identified, but will likely be doxed by Sedition Hunters, terrorized by the FBI in a predawn raid and face years of prison time for “obstructing the official proceeding” if she is not already a J6 defendant.
Had the police been caught on camera shoving her to the ground and dousing her in CS gas at a Black Lives Matter rally, she would likely have been awarded millions of dollars by the District of Columbia and the police department for the abuse.
This sickens me to watch this abuse by the feds of innocent people. The Feds were dressed up as capitol police and Washington, DC police that day as well as the capital police taken orders directly from Wray and Garland to incite the crowds to cause mayhem. It’s all on video tape which Pelosi and her gang of communist criminals purposely withheld. The murder of Babbit is still not resolved in my book by this radical Communist black capitol police hit man who performed the hit for Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell, and he must be brought to justice for her murder as well as many other innocent people on that day. Wray and Garland must be put in prison and every one of their communist fed employees who took direct orders from these Marxist clowns. The snares these demon infested fools set for innocent people and shed their blood will in return happen to each and every one of them at some point, it’s not because I said it, it’s what the Holy Word of God states.
Solution. Do not attend BLM “rallys.”
Do not attend any rallys.