Silence Is No Longer an Option

US Constitution

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.


Donald Trump banned from Colorado ballot in historic ruling by state’s Supreme Court

A divided Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday declared former President Donald Trump ineligible for the White House under the U.S. Constitution’s insurrection clause and removed him from the state’s presidential primary ballot, setting up a likely showdown in the nation’s highest court to decide whether the front-runner for the GOP nomination can remain in the race.

The decision from a court whose justices were all appointed by Democratic governors marks the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has been used to disqualify a presidential candidate.

“A majority of the court holds that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,” the court wrote in its 4-3 decision.



This ruling in Colorado will be overturned by the US Supreme Court. The 14th amendment does not apply to Donald Trump’s actions on January 6th or to the conditions imposed by the 14th amendment.

However, do not be assuaged back into complacency: lawfare by the traitors who stole the 2020 elections has been exposed on a national scale. This upcoming year will mark changes to our nation and possibly the overt deconstruction of the country.

If you value your Liberty, stand your ground. Train, prepare and let God temper your faith. We have to rely on Divine Providence because the war is now upon us.

This war will come at us from multiple fronts: economic, terrorist attacks, asset forfeiture and falsely incarcerating political prisoners. It may also come at us via false flags or by other countries who are controlling whoever is supposedly in charge of the US federal government such as China.

The lines are clearly drawn: you will either support evil or you will fight evil:

Silence is no longer an option.

David DeGerolamo

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

Epsteins client list is dropping soon. What will be used to overshadow that?

1 year ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Nothing. Just bread and circuses.

1 year ago

Colorado Republicans are actively preparing to change their state party rules to have a caucus, like Iowa uses to select its state delegates to the GOP national convention and to award its state candidate on the November federal ballot.
In a caucus, at the precinct level, people move inside a gym to the corner where their candidate’s booth is set up. After a set time all movement ceases and the number of folks standing in each corner are counted. That count becomes the precinct’s tally which is combined with all precinct results in the county to total the county results. The process does not involve any voting, and thus there would be no state ballot to be removed from.
Stupid state DemonicRats in Colorado cannot affect the federal ballot as those are controlled by national parties as set forth in Congressional statutes.

1 year ago

Colorado was infected by “Californication” (becoming totally fcuked-up by California immigrants) many years ago.
The above is its natural evolution.
Balkanization needs to start today. Carve out CO and paste it to NY, NJ, CA, MA and all the other bat-shyt crazy States.
And good riddance!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

As I see the situation, there is only one way to resolve it and that is what the founders gave us. The 2nd amendment, our number one enemy is, we need to stand, unite and fight and kill every last one of them.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

According to Federal law, insurrection is a crime. For one to be guilty of insurrection one must be tried and found guilty of insurrection.

When was Trump found guilty of insurrection?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest found him guilty in the court of opinion.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
1 year ago

Anyone here believe Joe Biden is actually running the USA? Sitting up at night contemplating events, strategies? Engaged in deep critical thinking. Anyone here believe we still live under a constitutional republic? Is the USA a To Big to Fail country? Not only broke, but trillions in debt. The amount of border jumpers is staggering. This land has become diluted with numerous cultures. Many opposed to the previously established norm. Many already establishing their own communities, mini “states”. They care not for your constitution, your laws or traditions. Vote? beelzebub or lucifer. Here on the USA plantation you get to decide! The search for a savior among men is futile.

1 year ago

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F Kennedy

1 year ago

So, everyone is huffing and puffing. Stop it. The Marxist Rat Bastards are just waiting for some: MAGA, AR-toting, White, Pro-life, Christian Trump Tard to walk into a school, mosque, or some other leftist venue in a Blue Hive and start shooting. This would be right out of the Rham Emmanuel-Saul Alinsky playbook. To all of you Rambo wannabes out there: DO NOT!
Be of good cheer and relax. SCOTUS will overturn this decision by all of the black-robed red-diaper-doper-babies in CO. Stay vigilant. STFU. Watch and observe how the Leviathan and their lickspittles in the MSM will be powerless to squash the information about the horrific increase in death and illnesses due to the jab. Keep a weather eye on the Tik-Tok mutinies happening in .mil. It is all slowly deflating like a punctured beach ball. Bleib ubrig.

Al Bino
Al Bino
1 year ago

The state judiciary has no jurisdiction.
The lead petitioner retired from two decades as a GOP legislatrix. As a former state agent of high office, she has no entitlement to petition her grievances. This is also a co-mingling of powers. Sounds like someone in the judiciary owed her a favor, as she has a strong potential to have something to hide. Or at best, returning a favor to covering for her corrupt peers.
More BAR legalese to subvert the Law of the Land.

Last edited 1 year ago by Al Bino
Mike from Maine
Mike from Maine
1 year ago

I’m pro-MAGA but a lawyer I know told me that it’s doubtful SCOTUS will change the ruling.
Reason: The federal government may have no standing over a state primary, which is basically a private organization selecting a nominee, with the state government acting as facilitator.