— Dr. Jim Willie (@dr_jimwillie) December 21, 2024
170,270 contracts! 100 MILLION paper ounces dumped! The Wall Street gangsters are suffocating the silver market with outrageous naked shorts to suppress prices. But the game is over! Physical silver is being RAIDED, and they have NO METAL…
The above naked shorts dumped last week represent 12% of the annual worldwide production of silver.
This is exactly why everyone who has cash to spare needs to invest in at least 150 ounces minimum right now. the prices will surge to $100.00 ounce in 2025 or even higher. there Ponzi scheme is collapsing on them and they know it, they got caught once again manipulating the prices downward to keep up with their paper scam so they wouldn’t lose any money. they don’t have the cash to cover what these bastard liars having been selling their paper silver scam. This is why I have been investing in silver for the last twenty-five years because I knew this day was coming.
Been investing in silver about 25 years also…not to get rich…Sheeple think there is value in the dollar…now that is proof that the government schools are working…LOL…….stupidly and lots of it, to put any faith in fiat, useless paper! jew Central Banks are blood sucking leaches…money printed out of thin air and given to the sheeple for their labor…Not citizens of the USA…we are slaves to the central jew bankers…jew talmud states non jews are to be used to take care of these POS…looks like it’s working! Get out of the jew banking system…precious metals…$$$$ since time & memorial…want to change this country never accept CBDC’S…:-)The BEAST SYSTEM is coming…educate yourselves and bend a knee to CHRIST!
My local silver guy is even more optimistic -- he’s saying $400/oz in 2025.
i have a lot of pre 1964 coins
The collapse of the dollar is inevitable, the only question is when.
Silver eagles, silver bars and pre-1965 dimes, quarters, halves and dollars. A little here a little there for the last few years.