Simple Truth

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 months ago

Lost in all this wasted discussion on our end is the fact that the other side is not being genuine.
They will tell a lie, or ignore facts, all to further their agenda. They don’t care that they’re not being truthful: the ends justify the means.
So why, or rather how, can you have an intelligent conversation or debate with these types of people?
Hint: you can’t. They’ll just lie to win the argument, and not even be repentenant when caught.
Engaging with these types of people is the mistake. Simply ignore them, like you would a petulant child, because at the heart of it, thats what they are. Trying to treat them like adults is just a weakness for them to exploit.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Agreed. They are also the most vocal.
As we have seen (election results confirm), the media has amplified a small percentage of the population (3-4% by their own counting) to appear as though they speak for the masses, while the voice of the masses is suppressed and mis-counted to appear smaller.
96% of the worlds population isn’t wrong, yet we’re cowed by a vocal and tireless minority (where have I heard THAT one before)?
Having watched the gays gentrify formerly black ghettos most people do not respect nor understand the other side. They will fight like you would not believe… those are the true believers. Those are the vocal minority.

2 months ago

This whole issue is demonic! A clear example of Reprobate minds! It’s a successful way for Satan to destroy children/adolescents! They are “Dependents” of parents for a reason! NO major life altering surgeries should occur prior to 18 years of age… period!