Since We Are Discussing Sen. Burr…

Let us not forget Sen. Burr’s rebuke of Sen. Paul’s filibuster concerning the appointment of a Muslim to lead the CIA:

Obama picked up GOP senators’ dinner tab

President Obama personally paid for a dinner out in Washington for a dozen Republican senators, the White House has confirmed.


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9 years ago

Schmoozing with the enemy -- typical RINO turncoats. You cannot dine with the devil and not get burned.

Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Get the name of those guys and keep an eye on what they vote on. As Keyser Soze said, “the biggest trick the devil played on the human race was to convince it that he didn’t exist”. Go have dinner with o’bama while the fight not to have a muslim in charge of the CIA. Who will be the first Judas among the 12?

9 years ago

Burr has been on the McCain bandwagon since he was first elected, he has become entrenched in the McConnell, McAin and Graham liberal mentally ill leadership. Burr has become a democrat in republican drag and this fool must be replaced and primaried out, he has to go ,he has become a detriment to our state and our way of life. he is one of the biggest WHORES up on the Hill. This guy makes me want to puke and now he is training that useless piece of crap Tillis to be just like him. These are very evil demonic people working for the devils democratic party.

9 years ago

I will remember this!

9 years ago

tell all your neighbors, families and friends what this digesting piece of dog crap is doing.