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1 day ago

I don’t get this nonsense some folks suck up thinking that 0bozo is in charge. 0bozo was as much a meat popsicle as much as the current occupant is a cardboard cutout. Both are tools of the Star Chamber, the unelected bureaucrats, mostly in the spook agencies and the State Dept. that is pulling the strings. To believe that 0bozo is the mastermind is to believe that the electoral process actually had an impact when it inserted him. Rather, I believe 0bozo was one of the first blatant demonstrations of Star Chamber power, because you don’t go from being a no name junior senator from a largely irrelevant state to the White House like that without SERIOUS muscle and money behind you driving.

1 day ago
Reply to  Noway2

OBONGO was nurtured from his youth for the positioned which he was groomed for with his fake Jew mother who was a well known communist Marxist with his communist father from Kenya.The funds they received at that time was from the Russian communists who were funding the destruction of our universities by indoctrinating stupid and ignorant white jack ass students. They were creating armies of these morons and Obongo was there perfect student and being a sodomite pig dog and the man he is wedded to was the biggest con job on the American people. Obongo plays a big roll in the deconstruction of our way of life, laws and our history. But, know this his end is coming soon along with his deep state protectors and it will be the end of that filthy perverted democrat party as well.

1 day ago
Reply to  Philip1350

Well, you called it. “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” -- H/T to H.L. Mencken.