Situation in Ukraine getting worse not better…WW3 getting closer and closer.

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2 years ago

To be sure, all we can control is our selves, all the rest is out of control.
The four horsemen apocalypse, are in sight! All we can do is get ready to ride out the storm.

Russia has said, and realises we are behind the Ukraine war, they also realize they can’t win a ground war against NATO. Russia can use tactical nukes in Ukraine or Europe and suffer the fall out, or they can nuke us, or use an EMP here or in Europe.

This is not just another proxey war for Russia, we are apparently hell bent on its destruction. I think they will go for broke and take care of the problem at its root, us!

I am planning on an EMP, simultaneously with a counter force strike against our missles! Nothing less will assure Russias survival!
If you live in or near a large city, move now, you might get out in time. Stock up now!!!! I am not really frightened, we are in a safe place, most of you are not!

Forget about any elections, TINVOWOOT get ready now, if it all passes, we can worry about politics later.

Southern prepper 1 you have been an inspiration, to us all!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

In the 2017 simulation run by NATO/US, the Russian forces kicked NATO/US forces asses in 2.5 hours. Another thing to look at is the evaluation by Lt Gen. McMaster former head of JCS, he stated that American forces are not capable of a peer-to-peer fight with the Russians. Second factor, why would SP#1 even bother to listen to anything that the “company” has to say.Just saying, never take anything you hear as the truth. So in my book, like you say.. keep prepping, ain’t nobody gonna save us, but us.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

It appears that SP1 gets all of his info from MSM. Russia has destroyed the Uke navy, and Air Force. Russia has killed or captured 15,000 Uke troops at Mariupol. They have surrounded over 50,000 Uke troops near the Donbass. The Russians are positioning to destroy the entire Uke force. This is not urban warfare there. This is open field warfare. The Russians are winning. Russia only sent 200,000 troops to the Ukraine. Any Private E-1 knows that an occupation force requires a 4 to 1 advantage over defending forces. The Ukes had 500,000 troops. One of the largest armies in Europe. Clearly this is not designed as an occupation of the Ukraine. SP1 has got to read info from outside the MSM. Not doing so only helps the Globalists. This war is not Ukraine vs. Russia. It’s the Globalists against everyone. Who’s side are you on? Do you support the Globalist agenda?

2 years ago

Found a rare, unbiased and intelligent analysis of the Ukraine situation out of Switzerland:

2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

I read this article too, it sounds reasonable. We certainly can’t believe our govt, or the MSM. I am sure Putin is no saint, but he seems to care about his Christian nation and its culture.
I am sure if Putin nukes us, Biden will build it all back better!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Forget about the Ukraine, another mass shooting in South Carolina orchestrated by the stazi AKA fbi and the rest of the criminal government.

2 years ago

You mean in a country overrun by Obama/Clinton sponsored nazis, that Joe hisbadself Biden is not able to nudge a sovereign state I.E. Russia in to demilitarization? How is that possible?. US and NATO politicians and bureaucrats have been working for years to agitate The Bear. We will all be blessed to not get outright nuked for their sins.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Yes realwesterner, our criminal regime is fast approaching nuclear war, we will soon be a remnant of cave dwellers.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

WEEKLY SITREP SUPPORT — MonkeyWerx The US and nato are longing for nuclear war.