Situation Update, Oct 27, 2021 – FDA endorses murderous vaccine ATROCITIES against children… God’s wrath will show no mercy

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Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

“They” are getting SO DAMN desperate! Keep your children safe. I don’t know what else to say.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago

Thesedeath shots have Graphene Oxide in them a known toxin, and also Luciferase another known toxin, with the name of the beast Lucifer in it.there not put on the Ingredients list either, gee I wonder why ? I wouldn’t give this slow death shot to a dog, by the way graphene oxide is not meant for humans OR animals.DO NOT GIVE THE SHOTS TO YOUR KIDS !

3 years ago

God imo is getting damn tired of people waiting for his “wrath”; “Don’t you have ant wrath of your own???” Would seem to be a likely Godly question, imo.
Go ahead sacrifice your children, Why should God care if the parents don’t?
I have a direct account this very afternoon of a MD in Alabama telling a patient that he doesn’t give exemption letters to Any of his patients regardless of their medical conditions. And that he is going to vaXXX his children as soon as he can.
Hell is too benign for such offal masquerading as a “healer” under a MD license to kill.

3 years ago

Forget God’s wrath. The criminals in power need to feel OUR wrath NOW.
Find a commie…or a Demonrat…the terms are synonymous and kill them. Now.
It isn’t murder because under the communists creed they are NOT humans….merely property of the state.